How To Cook Millet And Enjoy Its Benefits?

Millet is an edible grain still relatively unknown in France. Yet, this food is full of health benefits. It is both gluten-free and rich in vitamins and minerals. We will explain how to cook and eat millet to take advantage of its numerous nutritional benefits.

What are the benefits of millet?

Millet is an edible seed from the plant Panicum miliaceum, an annual herbaceous plant from the Poaceae family.

Consumed as a starch, hulled and pearled millet has the dual advantage of being gluten-free and very digestible. It is suitable for people who suffer from celiac disease but is not reserved for them. Indeed, although it is an excellent source of fiber, this seed is very well tolerated by sensitive intestines.

It is also interesting for its nutrient content. It is a good source of plant proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Millet is even considered one of the cereals richest in minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

How to cook millet grains?

Millet grains have a slight nutty taste. They should always be rinsed with clear water before cooking to remove any impurities and some of their bitterness.

The cooking method is similar to that of quinoa: simply pour one part grain to two parts water into a saucepan and cook on low heat, covered, for about 20 minutes until the water is completely absorbed.

Since the texture of these grains is similar to wheat semolina, they can be used to prepare gluten-free couscous.

It is also possible to consume these grains without cooking them, provided you sprout them. Use a special sprouter for sprouted seeds and let the sprouts develop for 2 to 3 days before adding them to mixed salads.

How to eat flaked millet?

In organic stores, you will also find this gluten-free cereal in the form of flakes, which are very convenient for breakfast or for preparing a healthy snack during the day.

Millet flakes are generally unsweetened. You can therefore incorporate them into all your preparations, including savory dishes like soups, gratins, vegetable patties, or bread.

In sweet versions, you can use them to prepare a crumble or simply consume them in dairy products (milk, yogurt...) or their plant-based equivalents.

To prepare porridge with these types of flakes, use 50 to 60 grams of flakes for 20 cl of milk or plant-based drink. Heat the liquid in a saucepan and wait until it simmers before adding the flakes and the flavor of your choice, such as a packet of vanilla sugar or a pinch of cinnamon.

Cook this porridge over low heat, stirring occasionally. As soon as the mixture reaches a creamy consistency, turn off the heat and pour the porridge into a bowl. All that’s left is to add fresh fruits and nuts for a complete breakfast. The more indulgent can even drizzle this porridge with a bit of maple syrup.

How to use millet flour?

When ground, millet grains yield a gluten-free flour that can be yellow or brown in color.

The yellow flour, which is the most common in commerce, can be used in breads and pastries. The brown flour, richer in nutrients, is perfect for preparing healthy snacks for athletes.

But, regardless of its color, remember that this flour has a pronounced flavor. That's why it's generally recommended to mix it with another gluten-free flour with a milder taste, such as tiger nut flour.

In cake, waffle, or pancake recipes, you can combine these two flours in equal parts to achieve a more neutral taste. In India, millet flour is traditionally used to prepare thin savory pancakes called dosas, which are eaten with various spicy sauces.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: T.K. Naliaka
Tags: Millet, flour, Gluten-free, grains, porridge, taste, heat, minerals, water, saucepan, Milk, flavor, plant-based, breakfast, edible, savory, seed, vitamins, grain, yogurt, bread, snack, patties, vegetable, dairy products, India, BIT, liquid, pancakes, pancake, cake, nutrients, pastries, Yield, drizzle, nuts, Cinnamon, Pinch, sugar, Vanilla, packet, dosas, cereal, fiber, celiac disease, dual, hulled, starch, Consumed, family,
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