Education and Training

Orchestra at School: Orchestra Classes in 5 Questions

Education and Training

Forming an orchestra with students who have never played an instrument is the principle of orchestra classes. In addition to musical education, this type of educational project, developed by the association Orchestre à l'école, helps improve students' academic performance and behavior.


Management: Developing Charisma in 5 Questions

Education and Training

It is often thought that a person's power of persuasion and influence over others is an innate quality. In reality, this ability to radiate and gain the support of a group can be learned at any age. Here is how to develop your charisma in 5 questions.


Citizen Day mobilizes volunteers in municipalities across France.

Education and Training

Every year, Citizen's Day provides an opportunity to carry out community or cultural projects throughout France. For one day, residents of a municipality or neighborhood come together to jointly accomplish projects they have proposed themselves. Here's an explanation.


Public Holidays: Understanding the Regulations in 5 Questions

Education and Training

Public holidays, which correspond to official feast days, are sometimes subject to special provisions in collective bargaining agreements. Here's an overview of the regulations and payment methods for these particular days in 5 questions.


Project Management: The Kanban Method in 5 Questions

Education and Training

Are you struggling to complete all your tasks at work and meet the given deadlines? A project management method from Japan can help you become more efficient. We invite you to discover the kanban method in 5 questions.


Permanent senior position: what would the contract for experience valuation entail?

Education and Training

In early April 2024, the Medef sent a new proposed agreement on senior employment to the trade unions. To keep the most experienced employees in work, this document notably suggests the creation of a senior open-ended contract, under the name "contract for the valorization of experience". We invite you to find out what this new permanent contract would entail.


Accounting: The Key to Success in Business

Education and Training

Whether you are already a business owner or considering starting your own company, it is in your best interest to acquire some accounting management skills. Knowledge in accounting and financial management are among the essential skills for successfully carrying out an entrepreneurial project. We will explain to you why accounting is the key to success in business.


High School: Everything You Need to Know About the Mandatory Internship at the End of 10th Grade

Education and Training

In June 2024, around 500,000 tenth-grade students are required to complete an observation internship in a professional environment. Whether you have found a company or organization to host you or not, here is everything you need to know about this new mandatory internship at the end of tenth grade.


Workplace Well-being: Slow Business in 5 Questions

Education and Training

Perhaps you have already heard of the slow life trend, which involves slowing down the daily pace to be happier. But did you know that this philosophy of slowness can be applied in all areas of life, including the world of work? We invite you to discover the concept of slow business in 5 questions.


Paid leave accrued during sick leave: what does the labor code reform provide?

Education and Training

So far in France, employees absent due to a non-work-related illness were not able to accrue paid leave. However, French law on this matter will soon evolve to comply with a European directive. We invite you to discover what this reform of the Labor Code will change for French employees.

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