Education and Training

The National School of Meteorology: presentation and training.

Education and Training

The National School of Meteorology, located in Toulouse, provides initial and ongoing training for all Météo-France personnel. It is the reference training organization in the field of meteorology.


AI: What is the job of a prompt engineer?

Education and Training

The development of programs such as ChatGPT raises concerns that these AIs will soon replace humans in certain positions. But artificial intelligence also brings about new needs and the creation of new professions. We invite you to discover what the highly sought-after profession of prompt engineer entails.


First year of college: how to change course?

Education and Training

In the first year of a bachelor's degree at university, it is not uncommon for newcomers to be dissatisfied with their post-baccalaureate orientation. If you are one of these students who would like to change direction, know that there are several possibilities for reorientation in the first year of college. We explain how to reorient yourself through Parcoursup... or not!


How to pass the BAFA?

Education and Training

The BAFA is a diploma often required for people who want to work in holiday camps. It allows them to supervise children and teenagers in holiday or leisure centers on an occasional, non-professional basis.


Criminal record and employment: 5 things to know.

Education and Training

In France, the automated national criminal record is a computer file used to keep track of criminal convictions and other judicial decisions. As part of a hiring process, checking a candidate's criminal background is only allowed under certain conditions. Here are 5 things to know about the impact of a criminal record on a person's employment.


Les Bureaux du Cœur: a solidarity initiative in companies

Education and Training

What if companies had a role to play in helping the homeless? This is the credo of Bureaux du Coeur, an association that invites companies whose offices are empty at night to welcome homeless workers and other beneficiaries in precarious situations. We invite you to discover this beautiful idea that is beginning to make its way into the corporate world.


How to use your CPF while traveling?

Education and Training

What if we told you that you could get paid to travel without leaving your current job? Tempting, right? Well, it's definitely possible with language travel!


Language level: what do the acronyms A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 mean?

Education and Training

When you want to indicate your level in a foreign language, for example English or Spanish, on your CV, it is recommended to use the classification established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or CEFR. This classification evaluates a person's language level using a system of letters and numbers. But do you know what A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 mean?


The minimum pension at 1200 euros in 5 questions

Education and Training

As part of the 2023 pension reform, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has announced a minimum pension of €1,200, equivalent to 85% of the net minimum wage. This promise, presented as a measure of 'social justice', has yet to be budgeted and raises several questions. We propose to decipher this government announcement in 5 questions.


5 tips for learning English by reading

Education and Training

No matter what your age or level of English, it's never too late to improve your vocabulary in the language of Shakespeare! One of the best ways to do this is to read books in OV. Here are 5 practical tips for learning English by reading.

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