Seniors: 5 Tips For Maintaining Mobility With Age

We don't always think about it, but the ability to move on a daily basis is essential to stay fit and independent as long as possible. As we age, the risk of falling and becoming dependent increases if we do not maintain our ability to move. Here are 5 practical tips for maintaining your mobility as you age.

1- Practice a regular physical activity

Physical activity is the best defense for mobility with age. Practicing regular physical activity actually helps to maintain your muscles, flexibility and sense of balance.

Choose a sport you enjoy so you can be consistent. This activity does not have to be intense to be effective. You can opt for adapted physical activities if your health condition requires it or turn to the most gentle sports for the joints, such as gentle gym and swimming.

Ideally, to stay fit, it is recommended that seniors do 3 to 4 physical activity sessions per week, at least 30 minutes each. Preferably join clubs to enjoy these hobbies in a group setting. Being part of a group is a good way to boost motivation, but also memory and morale through social interaction with other participants.

2- Walk every day

While it is completely normal for physical abilities to decline with advancing age, dependence is not inevitable! The second tip for maintaining mobility with age is to walk every day.

Walking is the most accessible physical activity to fight sedentary lifestyle on a daily basis. Again, you don't need to go very fast or very far to enjoy the benefits of this activity.

Older people who walk are the ones who maintain their freedom of movement, their health and their good mood the longest. Accept that you can move as you can, at your own pace and in the best conditions for you, with the help of a cane if necessary.

To motivate yourself to go out, set a concrete goal, for example go shopping in your neighborhood or get fresh bread every morning... This daily walk will be even more enjoyable and beneficial, if you can do it in the company of a friend/neighbor/escort.

And if you want to make walking a little more sporty and build up your upper body, get yourself some Nordic walking poles! Nordic walking is a very beneficial all-round sport, even for the elderly.

3- Eat proteins

To maintain mobility with age, of course, you must maintain your muscles through physical activity and diet. For seniors, it is recommended to eat protein at each of the main meals of the day.

For example, you can eat cottage cheese or a soft-boiled egg for breakfast, plan to have a serving of meat for lunch and a serving of fish or plant protein for dinner.

Many people don't know this, but our body's need for protein increases as we age. Don't hesitate to talk about this with your doctor: in case of deficiency, he or she can prescribe dietary supplements. The offer of food supplements in pharmacies is vast, but do not take anything self-medicated without the advice of your doctor!

4- Be well equipped

The older we get, the more precautions we need to take to be able to practice physical activity safely.

To limit the risk of falling, it is very important to be well shod. Choose comfortable shoes, such as sneakers, and choose the models that are easiest to put on and take off (with velcro rather than laces).

For your outings, wear loose, lightweight clothing and adjust your gear according to the weather by adding a cap or hat on hot days and a waterproof windbreaker on rainy days.

Preferably carry a not too large, insulated backpack, as this type of bag is much easier to carry than shopping bags or shoulder bags. Also consider carrying a small water bottle or water bottle in your bag so you can stay hydrated during your walking session or other physical activity.

5- Ask your doctor for advice

If you feel that your performance is declining and you are less confident in your physical abilities and balance, don't hesitate to talk to your primary care physician.

If you have a health problem, your GP can prescribe physical therapy sessions or else adapted physical activity (APA). This prescription sport is supervised by a specially trained professional.

This more supervised physical activity will allow you to do targeted exercises to maintain your flexibility and sense of balance.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Yan Krukau on Pexels
Tags: physical activity, HEALTH, protein, water bottle, nordic walking, lightweight, Velcro, sneakers, doctor 4, self-medicated, Pharmacies, food supplements, Dietary supplements, plant, clothing, prescription, apa, Physical Therapy, GP, Primary care physician, hydrated, gear, backpack, windbreaker, waterproof, hat, cap, fish, meat, dependence, completely normal, social interaction, memory, Motivation, 30 MINUTES, Swimming, gym, sports, defense, Sedentary lifestyle, Freedom, breakfast, soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese, Diet, proteins, bread, neighborhood, concrete, cane,
In French: Seniors : 5 conseils pour conserver sa mobilité avec l'âge
En español: Mayores: 5 consejos para mantener la movilidad con la edad
In italiano: Anziani: 5 consigli per mantenere la mobilità con l'età
Auf Deutsch: Senioren: 5 Tipps zur Erhaltung der Mobilität im Alter
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