World Bicycle Day: Why Pedaling Is The Solution To Your Problems

Since 2018, the UN has designated June 3rd as World Bicycle Day. On this day when the bicycle reigns supreme, we will explain why cycling is the solution to (almost) all your problems.

Cycling boosts your purchasing power.

What if, to escape rampant inflation, it was enough to hop on a bike? Of course, bikes and their spare parts are not an exception in the context of the general price increase...

However, once you have purchased your bicycle, every trip powered by your legs saves you money. On this Monday, June 3rd, World Bicycle Day, it is worth remembering that pedaling helps save money on fuel, parking, and even public transport subscriptions.

Bike commuting and cycling trips are an excellent solution for increasing purchasing power! In the current context, this is an argument that could convince more than one French person to (re)start cycling.

Cycling sculpts your summer body.

Summer is fast approaching, and you might be worried about the moment when you'll have to put on your swimsuit and show off your figure on the beach... Some people prepare for this by going to the gym every week. But if you don't have the financial means or the courage to stick to this weekly sports routine, cycling is a simpler and much cheaper alternative.

Pedaling for your daily commutes allows you to get the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity each day without even thinking about it. Cycling is one of the best sports for health because:
• It contributes to good cardiovascular health.
• It maintains muscle tone and joint flexibility, especially in the legs.
• It helps you reach and maintain your ideal weight when practiced regularly.

So, if you want to improve your health while preparing your summer body, you know what to do... World Bicycle Day seems like the perfect date to start!

The bicycle re-enchants your holidays.

The beautiful days have arrived. In this time conducive to organizing family weekends, romantic city breaks, or long vacations, you may be looking for the formula that will make your vacation more beautiful, greener, and more authentic...

Once again, cycling might be the solution to your problem! Over the past ten years, "bicycle tourism" or cyclotourism has experienced a real boom. In 2024, 22 million French people reported cycling during their vacations.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Economy, cyclotourism has even become the leading form of tourist travel in France, ahead of hiking!

The reasons for this enthusiasm are multiple:
• the desire to spend holidays in the open air, which has increased since the health crisis and lockdowns.
• the possibility of moving more freely, including on paths or trails inaccessible to motor vehicles, to discover secret, still little-visited sites.
• the desire to travel in slow tourism mode and take the time to contemplate the landscapes crossed.
• the choice to travel more eco-responsibly, to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the carbon footprint of vacations.
• the opportunity to enjoy an ever-expanding network of cycle routes and greenways and increasingly diverse cyclotourism offers in different regions of France.

Whether you want to plan a getaway close to home or discover the beauties of France, such as the Pink Granite Coast in Brittany and the lavender fields in Provence, cycling is undoubtedly the best way to combine tourist discovery, environmental respect, and budget control for your vacation.

Cycling makes you happy, plain and simple!

If the previous arguments have not been enough to convince you to take your bicycle out of the garage on this World Bicycle Day, let us add that cycling makes you happy… and it is scientifically proven!

Pedaling is an endurance outdoor activity that allows the brain to secrete happiness hormones: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. To motivate yourself to get on your bicycle, remember that your efforts will be rewarded with a true cocktail of euphoric substances, 100% natural and legal.

As a well-known cyclists' proverb states: You can't buy happiness, but you can buy a bicycle.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Audrey Vautherot
Tags: bicycle, HEALTH, France, purchasing power, summer, sports, Provence, Lavender, Brittany, Granite, Pink, greenways, network, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, lockdowns, euphoric, plain, cocktail, Oxytocin, endorphins, Serotonin, Dopamine, Hormones, brain, Endurance, proverb, garage, hiking, French people, 30 MINUTES, commutes, gym, swimsuit, French, commuting, public transport, Fuel, price, physical activity, Cycling, BOOM, bicycle tourism, CITY, romantic, family, start!, Ideal, muscle tone, cardiovascular health,
In French: Journée mondiale du vélo : pourquoi pédaler est la solution à vos problèmes
En español: Día Mundial de la Bicicleta: por qué pedalear es la solución a tus problemas
In italiano: Giornata mondiale della bicicletta: perché pedalare è la soluzione ai tuoi problemi
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