brain articles Tag

How to rest your brain?

spot the signs of fatigue When you've spent the day at work managing multiple tasks at once and under pressure to perform/profit, it's common for the brain to send signs of fatigue, but few people know how to recognize them. If you want to give your neurons a break, the first thing you need to do ...


Nutrition: how to feed your brain?

What are the neurotransmitters of well-being? Brain nutrition is not the primary motivation when deciding to eat a balanced diet and adopt a healthier lifestyle. And yet, this organ directly affects our good mood, our level of tonus and even our fitness weight through chemicals called neurotrans ...


Brain and nature: why does nature do us good?

e is our home environment. Our species has lived in natural wilderness areas for tens of thousands of years and it is in this environment that our brains were built and evolved. As we all experienced during the first March 2020 containment, our brain can feel 'the lack of nature' when deprived ...


World Alzheimer's Day: 5 tips to delay the onset of the disease

s assaulted by a deposition of abnormal proteins. During this period when the patient is asymptomatic, a healthy lifestyle helps to strengthen the brain's defenses and delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The first prevention tip is to practice regular, sustained physical activity because a ...


15 foods to relieve stress

en you're stressed, but go green for lunch instead. 'Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain folate, which produces dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical that helps you stay calm,' Heather Mangieri, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells Health. A study publis ...


Health: 5 tips to stimulate the vagus nerve

What is its route? The vagus nerve runs from either side of the base of the brain through the body to the colon. It has many branches that pass through the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestine, liver and spleen. These branches innervate almost all of our internal organs. This is why we s ...


Three ways to laugh more

ent or a tough challenge at work. Buy yourself tickets to a comedy show so you have something to look forward to after a tough time. You'll help your brain shift from negative to positive. Put your sense of humour first Humour is individual. If you want to laugh, you have to make time for what you l ...


Well-being: 5 health benefits of omega-3s

f lipids harmful to the heart. • they allow a reduction in morbidity and mortality in individuals with cardiac pathologies. Omega-3s are good for the brain. The heart is not the only organ to benefit from the health advantages of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids also improve br ...


Chemofog: Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairments in 5 Questions

that regularly settles over the city of London... This vivid word is therefore an excellent way to describe the cognitive impairments that cloud the brain of cancer patients. It is also sometimes referred to as chemobrain (literally: chemo brain). 2- What are the symptoms of chemofog? According to ...


Health: 5 signs that you are eating too much sugar

asta - eat cakes and other sweets as a dessert after a light meal, but never alone as a snack 3- You have trouble concentrating Although the brain feeds exclusively on glucose, excess sweets are not beneficial to the brain because high glycemic index foods cause blood sugar to yo-yo. If you ...


Music therapy: 5 benefits of songs on mood.

1- Songs provoke a wave of emotions. If we love listening to music and songs so much, it's because they appeal not only to our ears but also to our brain. Neuroscience has shown that the brain is hypersensitive to voice and all the emotions that songs provoke. According to specialists in this fiel ...


Nap: Is it good or bad for your health?

ogical clock. What are the benefits of napping for adults? Nap has beneficial effects on health: it allows reducing the level of stress and improving brain activity in terms of vigilance, concentration, and creativity. Some employers have understood the interest in improving the productivity of the ...


Online or in person, enjoy the benefits of dance classes

ests, the swing dance family really swings. These dances are practiced to fast rhythms, which gets the heart rate up quickly. Dancing is good for the brain Best of all, the benefits of dance classes are not only physical. During these classes, you will of course work your muscles but also your brain ...


There is such a thing as good stress, and it's good for your mental health

to act or react. What has this new study revealed? According to an American study, at low and moderate levels, stress has positive effects on the brain and mental health. The study was conducted by the University of Georgia on 1,200 young adults using a questionnaire to assess their daily stress ...


Hypnosis : 8 completely false ideas

you have but cannot mobilize in an ordinary waking state. This method will thus help you to detach yourself from the conditioning anchored in your brain, to modify your perceptions and to project yourself into a future where you get better. 3- You risk getting stuck in a state of hypnosis Ano ...


Slow Life: The Health Benefits of Slowness

ecause it reduces the demand on the cardiovascular system. This is the first of the 5 health benefits of taking it slow. Slowing down is good for the brain. In modern societies, it is often thought that speed equates to efficiency and that our brain works better when under pressure. But this is wron ...


The Meer Method: 5 Keys to Losing Weight Without Dieting

hat food plays for the person, whether they hate food, are obsessed with it, want to control it without success, or use it as a comfort object... The brain influences eating behaviors. The Meer method encourages patients to become aware of how much the brain and emotions influence eating behaviors. ...


Seasonal Depression: Understanding Light Therapy in 5 Questions

trary to what one might think, light is not only used for vision but also plays the role of regulator of our "biological clock" through a part of our brain called the hypothalamus. 2- In what cases should light therapy be used? Light therapy is indicated in the treatment of seasonal affective disord ...


Health: 5 benefits of handwriting

od remedy for ruminations and overwhelming negative thoughts. 3- It reinforces positive emotions Because it establishes a direct link between the brain and the hand, handwriting has a stronger impact on our thoughts than simply typing words on a keyboard. This is why, in personal development, ...


The mental walk: a foolproof trick to fall asleep quickly.

bed above and have been amazed by its effectiveness, know that it is not magic but science. This method of rapid falling asleep uses visualization to bring your brain into a state of calm and relaxation conducive to sleep. When imagining taking a walk in nature, you direct your thoughts towards a p ...
