Slow Life: The Health Benefits Of Slowness

Have you heard about the slow life? This lifestyle, which is gaining more and more followers, encourages slowing down to better enjoy the present moment and escape the frenzy of the modern world. More than just a philosophy, the slow life is a remedy for various ills of our societies. To convince you, we have listed 5 health benefits of slowness.

Slowing down is good for the heart.

We may not always be aware of it, but living life in the fast lane takes a toll on our body. Embracing the opposite of this frantic pace, slow life encourages us to reorganize our schedule to allow for breaks.

Simply giving ourselves permission to stop and do nothing can reduce stress levels, along with heart rate and blood pressure. Slowing down is good for the heart because it reduces the demand on the cardiovascular system. This is the first of the 5 health benefits of taking it slow.

Slowing down is good for the brain.

In modern societies, it is often thought that speed equates to efficiency and that our brain works better when under pressure. But this is wrong!

Hyperactivity and stress are not conducive to reflection; inspiration often strikes during breaks. To come up with new ideas or make the right decisions, it is more effective to let your mind wander and take your time rather than giving in to haste.

Slowing down improves cognitive abilities because moments of idleness make the brain more efficient and creative. This is the second of the five health benefits of slowness.

Slowing down is good for sleep.

When living at a frenetic pace, one no longer listens to their biological clock and personal needs. Conversely, embracing the slow life allows reconnecting with one's personal tempo and finding quality sleep. This is the third of the 5 health benefits of slowness.

Our bodies are governed by biological rhythms unique to us, signaling when we need to eat and sleep. To stay healthy, it's important not to ignore these signals.

Slowing down doesn't mean becoming lazy, but rather living at one's own pace. This might involve going to bed when you feel the need instead of staying up late to finish work or binge-watching TV shows.

Slowing down is good for the relationship.

You've understood it by now, slowing down allows one to be more in tune with oneself, one's needs, and one's true desires. But that's not all. The slow life also allows one to be more attentive to others.

Taking the time to truly listen to loved ones and share moments together, without multitasking, helps improve relationships with others. This other benefit of slowness applies to everyone around us and especially within a couple.

In a relationship, the slow lifestyle brings not only a better understanding of the other person but also a more fulfilling sex life. In this area, the slow sex trend is about making love mindfully, freeing oneself from all performance expectations.

Slowing down is good for the mood.

For all the reasons previously stated, it can be asserted that slowing down is good for the morale. Slow living allows one to fully enjoy the present moment and thus improve the quality of life.

Everyone who has decided to slow down the pace has felt the benefits of slowness on a physical and psychological level. From reducing stress, enhancing sleep quality, to personal fulfillment, there's no doubt that slow living is one of the keys to happiness!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Tags: slow Life, HEALTH, brain, stress, sleep, heart, sex, biological clock, Tempo, involve, psychological, binge-watching, Listen, multitasking, mood, LOVE, mindfully, cognitive abilities, reflection, Slowness, philosophy, listed, fast lane, frantic, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, efficiency, pressure, hyperactivity, sleep quality,
In French: Slow life : les bienfaits de la lenteur pour la santé
En español: Vida lenta: los beneficios de la lentitud para la salud
In italiano: Vita lenta: i benefici della lentezza per la salute
Auf Deutsch: Slow Life: Die Vorteile der Langsamkeit für die Gesundheit
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