sleep articles Tag

Sleep Well: The Impact of Bedding on Sleep Quality

How often should you change your bedding? To sleep well, it is recommended to change your bedding every 8 to 10 years on average, for comfort, hygiene, and health reasons. A sleeper changes positions about 40 times a night. That's why, after ten years, the mattress's suspensions will have been use ...


Why sleep in separate rooms as a couple?

To regain restorative sleep. Even the most romantic among us believe that there's no better sleep than with one's significant other, the reality is that it's not always easy to get a good night's rest together! People who snore, toss and turn all night, or hog the covers often prevent their partne ...


NAPSO therapy: a method of prevention and health.

on and health that revolves around three axes. Its name is an acronym composed of: • N for nutrition • AP for physical activity • SO for sleep It is based on the simple but effective idea that these three prevention axes are linked: • poor sleep increases the desire to eat ...


Health: 10 tips to regain energy

eware: this is a bad idea! In fact, practicing a physical activity allows you to let off steam and leads to good physical fatigue which will help you sleep well. As a bonus, 20 minutes of exercise is enough to produce neuromediators like dopamine and endorphins that boost your mood. So, if you ...


To sleep well, follow your biological clock!

n and activates the secretion of cortisol that allows us to get moving. Meals at fixed times If you want to keep up with your biological clock to sleep better, you should also take your meals at fixed times. In fact, meals are the second way to synchronize your internal clock after exposure to l ...


Sleep: 5 tips to stop taking sleeping pills

1- Get help The first of our 5 tips for quitting sleeping pills is to get help from a doctor. This is because when benzodiazepines are stopped, unpleasant symptoms such as anxiety, difficulty falling asleep or nightmares are likely to occur. These difficulties appear in particular when one ex ...


Seasonal Depression: Understanding Light Therapy in 5 Questions

n cause hormonal disturbances: in periods of low brightness, the pineal gland, located in the cerebellum, secretes melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep and causes a feeling of fatigue detrimental to our mood and the continuation of our daily activities. This disruption of our biological clock c ...


I will sleep at your place: 20 years of travels and encounters.

The most famous adventurer on TV "I will sleep at your place" is a series of discovery documentaries hosted by Antoine de Maximy since 2003. For twenty years, this adventurer has been traveling alone to the four corners of the world and trying to invite himself to someone's home. He approaches str ...


Nap: Is it good or bad for your health?

valuations have proven the existence of a decrease in vigilance in the early afternoon. This phenomenon, increased in case of heavy meal or lack of sleep, is part of the endogenous mechanisms of our body, regulated by our biological clock. What are the benefits of napping for adults? Nap has benef ...


Health: 5 Tips to Extend the Benefits of Vacation

benefits of your vacation. Choose an activity you enjoy to ensure you stick to your New Year's resolutions for the long term. 3- Taking care of your sleep During the holidays, between evenings with friends, sleeping in, and afternoon naps, your sleep schedule may have been completely disrupted. Thi ...


Insomnia: Melatonin is not a miracle cure

t night by the pineal gland in the brain. As night falls, this molecule inhibits the neural networks of wakefulness and stimulates those that control sleep. It therefore regulates biological rhythms and promotes sleep onset. This hormone has been used for over thirty years to treat insomnia. In Fra ...


World No Mobile Day: 5 tips to meet the challenge

1- Take advantage of this opportunity to sleep in Good news for those who want to take up the World No Cell Phone Days challenge: this year, February 6 falls on a Sunday! This means that, barring any work obligations on that day, you'll be able to arrange your schedule as you see fit for your fi ...


World Alzheimer's Day: 5 tips to delay the onset of the disease

multiply interactions with other people are beneficial for consolidating your neural networks and preserving your brain capacity. 3- Pamper your sleep The third of the 5 tips for delaying the onset of Alzheimer's symptoms is to take care of your sleep. During the deep sleep phases, the brain is ...


New Year's Eve: 5 tips to last until midnight without falling asleep

1- Get a good night's sleep the night before The first of the 5 tips to make it to midnight without falling asleep on New Year's Eve is to anticipate party fatigue. In particular, you need to care for your sleep in the days leading up to the big day. Make sure you get enough sleep, at least 7 to ...


Griffonia: a natural anti-stress

is generally sold as dietary supplements (in ampoules, capsules, gummies, or tablets) and presented as a natural anti-stress remedy that can improve sleep and appetite disorders. Some even recommend the use of this plant to quit smoking! During a difficult smoking cessation, Griffonia simplicifoli ...


Decoration, Furniture, and Bedding: 5 Tips for a Healthy Bedroom

with flame retardants. These products are well-known endocrine disruptors. • Be wary of pillow mists and essential oils that are supposed to help you sleep better or purify the atmosphere. These products, which may contain volatile organic compounds or VOCs, are also allergenic and irritating ...


Decor: 5 Tips for Decorating Your Bedroom on a Budget

r bedroom into a "catch-all" room, part office, part storage area where papers to be filed and laundry to be ironed pile up... The space in which we sleep is, however, a central room in the house. Its layout directly influences the quality of our sleep and our mood. That's why the first of the 5 ti ...


Health: 5 misconceptions about vitamin C

This vitamin also helps to fight against fatigue because it allows a better assimilation of iron and prevents anemia. 2- Vitamin C can prevent sleep Since vitamin C is not exciting, the idea that it keeps you awake is also false. Not only is this vitamin not the enemy of your sleep, but it ...


Pretox cure: 5 tips to detox before the holidays

ea or in the forest is even more beneficial. In any case, it will allow you to evacuate the stress often associated with the holiday season and to sleep better. To note: during your pretox cure, remember to go to bed as soon as you feel tired in order to enjoy good nights of sleep. It is essen ...


The mental walk: a foolproof trick to fall asleep quickly.

An unknown tip yet. When we want to get a good night's sleep and especially fall asleep quickly, we find the same advice everywhere, including: • avoiding alcohol and caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime • avoiding exercising in the evening after 8pm • avoiding exposure to blu ...
