What is good stress? Although it is most often connoted negatively, stress is neither good nor bad. It is a natural coping mechanism that can help you overcome the obstacles you face. Of course, this defense mechanism puts you under pressure, in keeping with the etymology of the word (from the L ...
Green leafy vegetables It's tempting to reach for a cheeseburger when you're stressed, but go green for lunch instead. 'Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain folate, which produces dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical that helps you stay calm,' Heather Mangieri, RDN, spokesperson for ...
1- Stress has a direct impact on the skin. People who suffer from eczema know it well: strong emotions such as anxiety or frustration often manifest at the skin level in the form of red patches and/or itching! The brain and the skin are two intimately linked organs and this is the first reason why ...
nfluences eating behaviors. The Meer method encourages patients to become aware of how much the brain and emotions influence eating behaviors. During stress and negative emotions, our brain can prompt us to eat even when we are not hungry, seeking comfort and pleasure from food. Nathalie Meer, who ...
temperature and pressure conditions). The fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of fluids when subjected to forces or stresses. There are two main families of fluids based on their viscosity: so-called 'Newtonian' fluids and 'non-Newtonian' fluids. The different ...
and to work is accompanied by a little temporary depression. In order to prevent the back-to-school blues from settling in for good with its slew of stresses and minor ailments, you need to approach the return to work gently. For adults as well as for school children, the start of the school yea ...
ting or what you are reading... These different symptoms are signs of intellectual fatigue indicating that it's time to rest your brain. Avoid stress Contrary to popular belief, our brains are not most fatigued by intellectual effort. This organ is made to work and solve problems. For it, rea ...
intestinal microbiota; it therefore has an influence on the emotional state, the inflammatory state of the body and pain. How to stimulate it? In stressful situations, the vagus nerve carries information from the parasympathetic system to calm the impulses created by the sympathetic system (e.g. ...
indulge in without fear, will even help you continue your diet without frustration and not crave for even more fatty or sugary foods. 4- You are stressed If you suffer from stress and nervous fatigue, you may feel guilty about compensating for your exhaustion by eating chocolate. Yet, you mi ...
d natural medicines, walking barefoot would strengthen the immune system and treat certain physical (muscular for example) and psychological (such as stress) disorders. This priest made walking barefoot one of the pillars of his method because he saw it as a simple way to strengthen one's health ...
multiply sweet snacking throughout the day, take Argentum nitricum 9CH instead, at a rate of 3 granules 3 times a day, before meals. 4- Reducing stress with cardiac coherence If stress is making you fat by causing you to eat more, the best solution to regulate your appetite is to lower your str ...
s. It's perfectly normal for your child to feel frightened when faced with such upheaval. To help him/her through this transition without too much stress, it is important to reassure him/her by emphasizing that some things don't change. Basically, he will continue to be part of a class with cl ...
bloated stomach, it is also recommended to drink between meals and limit carbonated drinks, especially sodas rich in sugar or sweeteners. 4- Fighting against stress. The stomach, which is sometimes referred to as the second brain by doctors, is particularly sensitive to stress and emotions. That's w ...
ed a natural alternative to SSRIs antidepressants and synthetic anxiolytics. This plant acts on the nervous system and provides better resistance to stress to help you regain more serenity and good mood in your daily life. What are the benefits of Griffonia? Thanks to its high content of 5-HTP in i ...
c pace, slow life encourages us to reorganize our schedule to allow for breaks. Simply giving ourselves permission to stop and do nothing can reduce stress levels, along with heart rate and blood pressure. Slowing down is good for the heart because it reduces the demand on the cardiovascular system ...
n feet. Finish with a cold water jet on your feet and calves to stimulate blood circulation. A salt bath is also effective against fatigue, nervousness, and stress. To enhance its benefits, you can add a few drops of different essential oils to the water. Lavender and chamomile oils are ideal for a ...
ce, but also a medical practice or a shop) more welcoming and warm... and not only for the employees! A plant-rich environment helps to reduce the stress level of the occupants. In companies, this would make employees feel better about their workplace, with less absenteeism as a result. Accord ...
ant from which it is derived, it promotes sleep and contributes to a good nervous balance. It is therefore particularly indicated to fight against stress and insomnia. 4- Chestnut honey Among the different honeys, chestnut honey is distinguished by its very brown colour and its powerful taste ...
r batteries The last of the benefits of the seaside is that it allows vacationers to recharge their batteries. Coastal areas are proven to help reduce stress levels and breathe easier. Sea air is beneficial for respiratory illnesses and there is less pollution on the coastline. Breathe in the sea ...
o complete those projects. It also facilitates attention and learning. - serotonin or the feel-good hormone that regulates mood and helps manage stress and anxiety. How does diet affect these neurotransmitters? Anyone wondering how to properly feed your brain should know that the manufactur ...