heart rate articles Tag

Heat wave and mental health: how heat affects your mood

eventing you from getting out and enjoying your vacation the way you want to. There are physiological causes for your bad mood. When it's hot, your heart rate speeds up, your blood pressure rises, and your cortisol or stress hormone levels climb too. So it's no wonder that everyone feels more ...


15 foods to relieve stress

stachios a suitable snack for your diet. Plus,pistachios are heart-healthy. 'Eating pistachios can reduce acute stress by lowering blood pressure and heart rate,' Mangieri says. 'Pistachios contain key phytonutrients that can provide antioxidant support for cardiovascular health.' Dark chocolate Reg ...


Online or in person, enjoy the benefits of dance classes

ose a swing class in Paris! As the name suggests, the swing dance family really swings. These dances are practiced to fast rhythms, which gets the heart rate up quickly. Dancing is good for the brain Best of all, the benefits of dance classes are not only physical. During these classes, you will ...


Diet: 5 natural solutions to regulate your appetite

at by causing you to eat more, the best solution to regulate your appetite is to lower your stress level before meals. To do this, you can try the heart rate. This is a method that is accessible to everyone and has been proven to rebalance the nervous system and remedy chronic stress. A simple ...


Recovery: what sport after a heart disease?

ports for heart health because it combines breathing exercises with muscle strengthening. The postures and breathing exercises work together to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and even cholesterol levels! After a heart condition or surgery, practicing yoga can also help reduce stress and anxiety, ...


Slow Life: The Health Benefits of Slowness

es us to reorganize our schedule to allow for breaks. Simply giving ourselves permission to stop and do nothing can reduce stress levels, along with heart rate and blood pressure. Slowing down is good for the heart because it reduces the demand on the cardiovascular system. This is the first of the ...


LISS: Long Duration Cardio in 5 Questions

he two methods lies in the duration of the training and the intensity of the effort provided. In the first case, the goal is not to reach the maximum heart rate but to stay around 60 to 65%. In the second case, the effort's intensity is more significant, and the goal is to reach a peak of maximum he ...
