Health and Beauty

To sleep well, follow your biological clock!

Health and Beauty

Contrary to what we often imagine, a good night's sleep is prepared throughout the day and not only in the evening. The quality of your sleep depends largely on your internal clock, which influences your body temperature and the secretion of certain hormones such as melatonin. To sleep well you must therefore follow your biological clock and we will explain how to do so.


Freckles and makeup: 5 beauty tips

Health and Beauty

Once considered a curse, freckles have become the big makeup trend of the moment. But do you know how to apply makeup when you have red skin or how to get freckles with makeup? Here are 5 beauty tips to know to follow this fashion.


Face, nails and hair: what beauty routine for fall?

Health and Beauty

Each season has its own weather characteristics, such as the sun or the cold, which can attack the skin and hair. It is therefore advisable to adapt your skin care rituals and cosmetic products to each time of the year. If you want to go back to school with a fresh complexion and the best hair, find out what beauty routine to adopt in autumn for the face, body, nails and hair.


Lymphoma: a little known but common cancer

Health and Beauty

The World Lymphoma Day, on September 15, is an opportunity to remember that this cancer, which is little known to the general public, affects 200,000 people in France. It is even the 5th most common cancer, with 14,000 new cases per year in France. Here is the essential to know about this cancer of the lymphatic system.


Back-to-school blues: 5 anti-depression tips

Health and Beauty

Summer vacation is over. For many of us, going back to work or school is accompanied by a little bit of a blues. To avoid letting stress and routine get the better of you, here are 5 anti-depression tips to help you overcome the back-to-school blues.


Osteoarthritis of the hands: what to do?

Health and Beauty

Osteoarthritis of the hands is both a painful and disabling problem. In fact, the hands and wrists are among the joints most often affected by these stiff joints. Here are some tips and exercises to help relieve the pain and regain a greater range of motion.


Acne and sun: beware of the rebound effect!

Health and Beauty

For people with blemished skin, summer is a time when skin problems tend to diminish. Exposure to the sun during the vacations has an initial drying effect that limits the appearance of pimples. But this improvement is only short-lived. Here are 5 tips to avoid the rebound effect of acne at the beginning of the school year.


Eczema problem: 5 mistakes to avoid

Health and Beauty

When you have an eczema problem, you'll do anything to relieve the itching. But be careful not to do anything! Some home remedies and false ideas could make your skin problem worse. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when you have eczema.


Venous insufficiency: 6 tips to keep your legs light

Health and Beauty

In France, nearly 20 million people, the majority of whom are women, suffer from venous insufficiency. The most common symptom of this poor venous return to the heart is the sensation of heavy legs. Fortunately, a few preventive measures can help you relieve this inconvenience. Here are 6 tips to keep your legs light and avoid complications.


There is such a thing as good stress, and it's good for your mental health

Health and Beauty

Although stress is generally presented as the evil of the century responsible for many health problems, an American study published in August 2022 has just confirmed the existence of good stress and its beneficial effect on mental health. Are you wondering how to distinguish between good and bad stress and how to use pressure to perform better? Here are some answers.

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