White or green clay is often used as a face mask. But did you know that this earthy rock has other therapeutic virtues? It is a natural and effective remedy for relieving gastric problems and abdominal pain.
Sometimes perceived as negative and associated with laziness, the nap is now rehabilitated and even practiced in companies. This break, which is a way for the body and mind to recharge, allows employees to increase their work capacity, concentration, and effectiveness.
Delaying the effects of aging has been one of humanity's quests since forever. According to a study published in the journal Science, American researchers have just demonstrated that taurine, the molecule found in energy drinks, among other things, could prolong healthy life expectancy. Is this anti-aging molecule really a fountain of youth? Elements of response.
Contrary to what is often imagined, the profession of midwife is not limited to delivering babies. In France, around 24,000 midwives have a wider range of skills than just monitoring pregnancy and assisting with childbirth. We invite you to discover all that these healthcare professionals can do for women's health.
The profession of midwifery, which is not limited to the practice of childbirth, has been open to men since 1982. This medical profession, which involves overseeing the proper progress of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care, is accessed through a 5-year curriculum, including one year of medicine and 4 years in a midwifery school.
Do you suffer from a dry, wet or persistent cough? This common winter symptom can be quite annoying. A wet cough clogs up the bronchial tubes while an irritating cough prevents sleep. To soothe it, we offer you to discover 10 grandmother's remedies against cough and easy homemade remedies recipes to prepare.
Ticks are parasitic mites that can anchor themselves to the skin of mammals to feed on their blood. These small creatures not only threaten our pets (dogs and cats) but also our health: they can parasitize humans and transmit diseases to them.
In love, some stereotypes are hard to break. In a couple, each person comes with their often unconscious illusions. These beliefs, which do not correspond to reality, can have a negative impact on the love life. We suggest discovering 5 misconceptions that weaken your relationship.
Noble laurel, also known as bay laurel in cooking, is not only a seasoning that enhances dishes and broths. It is also a very useful medicinal plant in the form of essential oil to treat everyday minor injuries. We have listed for you 5 virtues of noble laurel essential oil.
And what if the best-kept beauty secret was to stay zen in all circumstances? The impact of stress is not limited to a person's emotional state but also affects their physical appearance. We will explain why stress makes you look ugly and how to remedy this often overlooked enemy of beauty.