herbal articles Tag

Hemorrhoids: 3 natural solutions to avoid recurrence

e following natural remedies: - Drink 1.5 liters of water a day, starting with a glass of warm water in the morning when you get up. - Take herbal teas beneficial for digestion and transit such as fennel, marshmallow or mallow infusions. - Eat 4 prunes a day after rehydrating them, i. ...


Sore throat: untangling the real from the fake

ulant effect as well as honey with a soothing effect. Note, by the way, that all hot drinks sweetened with honey, whether it is a simple tea or an herbal tea, are interesting for hydrating and soothing the throat. They also have the advantage of thinning mucus and relieving dry coughs. Syrups ...


Witch garden : which plants to grow ?

grows spontaneously in gardens. It has always been used in white magic for its protective effects. It can be consumed in the form of soup but also of herbal tea. It is said to have remineralizing virtues for the body and the ability to slow down seasonal hair loss, to relieve joint pain and iron def ...


Lemon and rose creams: a light recipe.

of the creams. For an even prettier visual, you can decorate each of the lemon and rose creams with dried rose buds. These dried flowers are sold in herbal shops and in some stores that sell tea and herbal teas. In this recipe, they are only used for decoration because they cannot be consumed as ...


Diet, drinks, exercise: 5 tips to keep a flat stomach.

s that slow down digestion, drink enough water during the day and move every day, by doing at least 30 minutes of brisk walking. 3- Drink water or flat belly herbal teas. Drinks are also part of the 5 tips to keep a flat stomach. As we mentioned earlier, it is important to stay hydrated throughout t ...


Health: What is the Best Natural Detox?

their elimination function. To detoxify easily and naturally, it is simply a matter of eating less and drinking more water, including in the form of herbal tea or broth (but not exceeding 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day). Even though Hollywood celebrities swear by green juices made from broccoli, ...


Difficult holiday mornings: what solutions?

sses of the previous day, there is nothing like a small Detox diet consisting of dieting and drinking plenty (vegetable broth, water, lemon juice and herbal teas). In particular, you can take inspiration from our recipe for homemade detox tea or make infusions of digestive herbs like rosemary or ...


Health: 10 grandmother's remedies for cough.

s case because it has an expectorant effect. Use 1 tablespoon of dried thyme per cup of hot water. Let infuse for about 10 minutes then sweeten your herbal tea with thyme honey, eucalyptus, lavender or fir. You can add a slice of lemon if you wish. 5- Spices in infusion In Ayurveda (traditional Ind ...


Beauty: 5 Tips to Protect Your Skin from the Cold

f water a day, or even 1.5 liters if possible. If you can't manage to drink a large bottle of water every day, prepare yourself large cups of tea or herbal infusions! Not only will these beverages hydrate your skin from the inside, but they will also warm you up. 4- Undergo an omega-3 regimen To pr ...


Pretox cure: 5 tips to detox before the holidays

ck tea, rooibos or even a good alcohol-free toddy. The key is to avoid alcohol and excess caffeine. Drink what you prefer (citrus-flavoured water, herbal or spice infusions or even vegetable broth) but drink a lot. 5- Get some fresh air and get moving We don't always think about it, but our b ...


The camerisier or edible honeysuckle: an amazing shrub

You must therefore use them quickly in cooking, for example in juice and smoothies or cooked in compote, jelly and jams... You can even make wine or herbal teas to take advantage of their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. ...


Diet: 5 natural solutions to regulate your appetite

eel peckish in the morning or afternoon. 2- Try natural appetite suppressants Another natural solution to regulate one's appetite is to take some herbal appetite suppressants. The konjac native to Asia is a root plant that swells in the stomach. Konjac can be eaten as rice, pasta or sliced like ...


What are the best plants for the prostate?

mpties less, patients complain of frequent urination, especially at night. They also have difficulty passing urine and a weak stream. Now, some herbal medicines can help relieve these symptoms by reducing the volume of the prostate. Which plants to relieve the prostate? If you're looking f ...


Why do we get colder as we age?

s to adopt to be less cold, remember that you must: - eat and drink enough, especially proteins and warm foods such as soups and hot drinks like herbal teas and hot chocolate - stay moving by making sure to get up regularly to walk. It is even recommended to go outside for a walk, as l ...


Natural Beauty: 3 flowers good for the complexion

Chamomile soothes sensitive skin. Among the 3 flowers good for the complexion, first and foremost is chamomile, a medicinal plant commonly used in herbal teas. This flower from the Asteraceae family, the same family as the daisy, grows easily in ordinary, well-drained soil in the garden. You can ev ...


Attention: stress makes you ugly!

bloating • by adapting your diet to limit FODMAPs (foods that ferment and cause bloating) • by limiting salt in your plate and drinking diuretic herbal teas to remedy water retention • by making your own solid deodorant based on baking soda and palmarosa essential oil to fight ...


Heatwave and health: mistakes to avoid

s why, even though it may seem less pleasant during a heatwave, it is recommended to consume beverages at room temperature or even drink warm tea and herbal infusions to hydrate properly. 3- Take cold showers In the same vein, it is not good to take a cold shower when it is very hot. Cold showers du ...


How to do an inhalation for a cold?

s, sore throat, and cough, it is important to properly hydrate the irritated mucous membranes. To do this, you can certainly drink hot beverages like herbal teas or a non-alcoholic hot toddy. But you can also do a steam inhalation for the cold because this old-fashioned remedy helps to liquefy secr ...


Rosehips: Overview and Health Benefits

They are the fruits of a wild rose bush. Rose hips are the fruit of the wild rose, or rather of wild roses, as there are multiple species. In herbal medicine, the fruits of the species Rosa canina are primarily used. These shrubs are the wild ancestors of ornamental rose bushes. They grow in thick ...


Diet: 5 Tips to Save Money and Eat Healthily

ve grown yourself, but it's also much less expensive. In terms of drinks too, replacing industrial beverages like sodas and fruit juices with water, herbal teas, or detox water if you struggle with plain water can lighten the budget for food shopping. 4- Cut down on meat. You have probably noticed ...
