energy articles Tag

Health: 10 tips to regain energy

1- I rest Against fatigue, this solution seems obvious... but few people really put it into practice! If you feel your energy draining, the first thing to do to recharge the batteries is to lift your foot. It's not always easy to find the time to rest, especially if you're a mom juggling kids ...


Equipment and Cooking Methods: 5 Tips for Saving Energy in the Kitchen

vating it, you may be torn between a ceramic hob and an induction hob. Industry professionals recommend choosing an induction hob if you want to save energy in the kitchen. The induction hob is the most electricity-efficient equipment because: • this type of hob prevents any loss of energy. ...


Chinese medicine: 3 tips to stay in shape in winter

rthermore, this traditional medicine associates the different organs of the body with the seasons and states that in winter you should strengthen the energy of the kidneys. To boost kidney energy and stay fit in winter, traditional Chinese dietetics recommends focusing on warm, warming foods such ...


Gas and electricity: 5 tips to lower your bill

1- Do not overheat your home Of course, your energy bill will not be the same depending on whether you live in the north or south of France. Your gas and electricity costs will depend on how cold the winter is in your area and when you need to turn on the heating. But, regardless of the Clima ...


France Rénov': a new public service to renovate your home

ary 1, 2022. This novelty, planned as part of the Climate and resilience law, is a set of services designed to support people who want to carry out energy renovation work in their homes. 2- What is its objective? As consumers are generally lost when faced with the multiplicity of grants and w ...


Energy balls with prunes and sesame: an easy recipe

Ingredients Here are the ingredients needed to make prune and sesame energy balls for 4 people (that's 8 pieces): 4 pitted prunes 1 tablespoon honey 2 level tablespoons of water 70 g of sesame seeds 1 half teaspoon cinnamon powder 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips To note: for the recipe ...


Energy Renovation Assistance: How to Avoid Scams?

Be aware of the risk of scams. Since January 1, 2020, the government has implemented MaPrimeRénov, a financial aid designed to encourage the energy transition of housing. Unfortunately, the aids provided by the state have led to attempts at fraud by certain professionals. These scams can take the ...


Electricity consumption: 5 things that really make a difference

1- Turn down the heat by one degree Home heating is, along with hot water, the largest energy expense item. It alone accounts for 66% of the energy bill of French households, according to the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME). If you want your efforts to really make a diff ...


Energy consumption: does telecommuting really save money?

Potential energy savings for businesses The Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) has been looking at the energy savings from remote working. In a study, it estimated that the use of Telecommuting results in Energy savings of 19% for companies. But this result is only achieved ...


Hogwarts Mystery: the Harry Potter mobile game will continue after the 7th year.

tes everything you have to do (which amounts to very little) and leaves you with almost no freedom. Most actions (such as attending classes) require energy that you possess in very limited quantities... As a result, you quickly run out of energy and get stuck unless you agree to buy energy with yo ...


Ecowatt: an electricity weather forecast to avoid blackouts this winter

This EDF subsidiary has also launched an electricity weather forecast and an alert system. This device, called Ecowatt, allows anyone to know the energy situation in France in real time. A way to prevent cuts The main objective of the Ecowatt device is to avoid power outages during the winter. ...


Energy efficiency: the government's 5 key measures

1- Savings in public administrations To achieve energy sobriety in France, the government wants public administrations to lead by example. It has thus decided to cut off hot water in public sanitary facilities, except for showers. It should be noted that hot water consumption in public buildings ...


Vastu Shastra: The Indian Feng Shui to Harmonize Your Home

What is the principle of vastu shastra? Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian art concerning the construction of buildings, their orientation, energy balance, as well as their interior layout and decoration. This age-old science draws from ancient texts or Vedas. It applies not only to Hindu temples ...


NAPSO therapy: a method of prevention and health.

t: it also disrupts sleep and reduces physical activity! The whole point of this new method is to transform this vicious circle into a virtuous circle to regain energy and achieve a healthy weight. Who invented NAPSO therapy? It is the nutritionist doctor Laurence Plumey who invented NAPSO therapy ...


Fructose is believed to be the leading cause of obesity worldwide.

large quantities, this sugar reduces the concentration of adenosine triphosphate or ATP in the blood. However, this molecule contributes to providing energy to the cells in the body. Consequently, the decrease in ATP levels in the blood leads to a decrease in available energy at the cellular level. ...


Biochar: Miracle Solution for the Environment?

30% biochar and 70% very polluting gases, which must be burned. In the end, the burned gases also have an advantage: they allow for the production of energy, which can partly be used to power the pyrolysis. 3- What are the environmental benefits of biochar? Thanks to its ability to trap CO2 in a st ...


Health: 5 Tips for a Spring in Full Swing

for relieving stress and re-energizing because these places are full of negative ions. Nature, so beautiful in spring, is unmatched in boosting our energy as it provides us with light, greenery, and fresh air, which we may have missed during the winter. Move Have you stopped engaging in sports, ru ...


Beauty gummies: the trend decoded in 5 questions.

rm of chewable gummies come from the United States and have become popular with us in just a few years. Beauty gummies as well as vitamin gummies for energy or those based on melatonin for sleep are experiencing explosive success. According to the National Union of Dietary Supplements (Synadiet), th ...


5 good reasons to practice cani-hiking with your dog

ng with your dog is the numerous benefits of this sport for each of the teammates. Just like brisk walking, this form of hiking allows you to expend energy, maintain your muscles, and keep your weight in check. The health benefits of walking listed above for humans are also applicable to the healt ...


Where to travel according to your zodiac sign?

ith its exotic beaches and captivating culture, offers a perfect backdrop for their flamboyance. Dubai, a lush and bold city, matches the overflowing energy of Leos. Virgo, methodical and perfectionist, will feel at home in Zurich, Florence, and Kyoto. Zurich, an organized and prosperous city, meet ...
