Charles articles Tag

Legacy: a Yann Arthus-Bertrand retrospective in Nice

More than 200 photos to discover The Charles Nègre Museum of Photography in Nice invites you to discover 238 photographs by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. This retrospective entitled Legacy gives an overview of the whole work. It traces his 40-year career and highlights the evolution of his style and en ...


Computing: 3 women who have marked the history of computing

from becoming a romantic poetess like her father, her mother gave her early mathematics lessons. In London, she met the mathematician and engineer Charles Babbage with whom she designed a machine that could perform complex mathematical operations. Too far ahead of its time, this project called ...


Prometheus: what is the value of the new TF1 series?

fers with Prometheus a TV series that has a fantastic side. From the first episode, incomprehensible events occur. On a stormy night, Caroline and Charles Lasset are driving home when they run over a naked teenage girl. She miraculously gets up without a scratch. Taken in by the couple who cau ...


Time zones: origins and functioning

hour per time zone from Greenwich Mean Time. Conversely, going westward is one hour behind Greenwich Mean Time per time zone. Origins of time zones Charles F. Dowd was the first to propose a standard system of time zones for U.S. railroads around 1863, but Dowd's system was not adopted by America ...


The Eiffel Tower: presentation and history

, 1923. In 1852 he entered the École centrale des arts et manufactures in Paris and graduated as a chemical engineer in 1855. In 1856, Eiffel met Charles Nepveu, a steel construction contractor. He demonstrated his engineering skills by building the Bordeaux railway Bridge in 1858. He was al ...


Megève: 5 Things to Know About This Famous Ski Resort

Cup (a snow golf competition). France's first cable car was installed there. The first cable car in France was installed in Megève in 1933, initiated by Charles Viard, an entrepreneur from Sallanches. Since December 2023 and throughout the winter of 2024, the mechanical lift company is celebrating ...


Mount Rushmore: an emblem of the United States

865) was the author of the abolition of slavery. Did you know that? Named 'Six Grandfathers' by the Lakota Indians, this mountain was renamed after Charles E. Rushmore, a New york lawyer who noticed it during an expedition in 1885. The site is controversial because it is located on sacred Lakota l ...


The Schlumbergera or Christmas Cactus in 5 Questions

iginates from where? The Schlumbergera bears a name that's hard to pronounce. That's why it's better known by the nickname Christmas cactus. It was the botanist Charles Lemaire (1801-1871) who named this botanical genus Schlumbergera, in honor of Frédéric Schlumberger, a French collector of cacti ...


Portraits: a photo festival in Vichy.

Agent, a collective exhibition of 12 artists from Lambert Lambert, features Charlotte Krieger, Benni Valsson, Laura Pelissier, Eva Wang, Valentin Abad, Charles Negre, Korner Union, Sophie Van der Perre, Lilian Hardouineau, Kourtney Roy, Marine Armandin, and Vincent Fournier. Practical information. T ...


The Rosé Roses Festival in Théoule-sur-Mer

lebrate both the beauty of roses and the conviviality of rosé wine. Sales-exhibition stands will be set up throughout the city center and on the main street, Charles Dahon and Place Général Bertrand, which will be pedestrianized. Rosé wine producers from Provence will come to offer tastings of ...


Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue: 5 good reasons to visit this village in Normandy

ned glass windows in total, 38 are listed as historical monuments. Installed between 1897 and 1937, they are mostly the work of the master glassmaker Charles Lorin Copyright: Larayevire But the commune of Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue in the Manche is best known for housing a major site of Vauban' ...


Online casinos: what are the different types of slot machines?

ferent types of online slot machines, the first type recreates on the Internet the operation of the Slot machines created in the late 19th century by Charles Auguste Fey. These machines, also known as one-armed bandits, are among the most popular games of chance in traditional casinos. Therefo ...


The Château de Boulogne-la-Grasse : 5 good reasons to visit this amazing place

The Château de Boulogne-la-Grasse is an architectural folly built on the border of the Oise and the Somme, at the initiative of a wealthy Belgian owner, Charles de Boulogne. He bought the title of count and had this unusual castle built on the remains of the castle of the Lancry family. To build ...


United Kingdom: what will change with the arrival in power of Charles III

st of the world have known only the famous God Save the Queen as their national anthem. With the death of the sovereign and the coming to power of Charles III, the words of the British anthem will of course change. The national anthem of the United Kingdom, which is also one of the two nationa ...


Wallace fountains: discreet symbols of Paris

ter as an alternative to alcohol, which was then more readily available. For this project, he called upon a sculptor of the time, the Nantes-based Charles Auguste Lebourg, who imagined a fountain model that was both utilitarian and aesthetically pleasing. 3- They are decorated with caryatids ...


Television: Charles III's coronation in 5 questions.

"When will the coronation take place?" King Charles III will be crowned on Saturday, May 6, 2023 in London, England. However, the festivities will continue for the following two days. The official coronation website (link below) refers to the "Coronation Weekend," which will run from May 6 to May ...


Let's help our farms: 5 things to know about the M6 show.

ong shoot over a period of more than a year in order to follow the agricultural projects of the assisted families. Regarding this new program, Guillaume Charles, the general director of programs at M6, declared: "It's a program that is close to our hearts. We have a historical relationship with the ...


The Viking Immersive City will open its doors in Rouen in 2024.

s about 1 hour and 15 minutes, visitors will relive the great Viking invasions, the baptism of Rollo in Rouen in 911, and the signing of a peace treaty with Emperor Charles the Simple: historical events that paved the way for the creation of the Duchy of Normandy! They will learn that the Vikings l ...


Drag Race France: 5 Things to Know About Season 3

viewers will find the indomitable Daphné Bürki and Kiddy Smile. But they will also discover, alongside the host and the DJ, singer Jenifer and stylist Charles de Vilmorin. These two personalities are the guests of the first episode, themed around cabaret. 3- Ten new candidates are in the running. ...
