Trade and Society

Canadian Thanksgiving: what are the differences with American Thanksgiving?

Trade and Society

Did you know that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving several weeks before the United States, every second Monday of October? If you want to discover the specifics of the Canadian holiday, here are 5 notable differences between Canadian Thanksgiving and American Thanksgiving.


Bakery: less salt in bread starting from October 1st.

Trade and Society

Since October 1st, 2023, the salt content has been reduced in France in all types of bread, from sliced bread to traditional baguettes and special breads. We will explain the reasons and the methods behind this measure, which may alter the taste of your favorite baguette.


Clothing: 3 tips for buying less but better.

Trade and Society

With the change of season, you have probably planned to clean out your wardrobe. This big autumn cleaning in your closet is an opportunity to take stock of the outfits you own and the pieces you need. To avoid buying clothes that you won't wear, here are 3 tips for buying less but better in the ready-to-wear section.


The Samaritaine: a temple of luxury in Paris

Trade and Society

The Samaritaine, which is one of the oldest and most famous department stores in the capital, reopened its doors to customers on June 23, 2021. Now owned by the LVMH group, this grand store in the heart of Paris unveils beautifully renovated architecture and decor.


The Chocolate Fair: the great chocolate celebration in Paris

Trade and Society

The Salon du Chocolat, organized every year at the end of October in Paris, is a must-attend event for all chocolate enthusiasts. This salon offers numerous gourmet activities and showcases chocolate in all its forms.


The European Sustainable Development Week: actions throughout France.

Trade and Society

The European Sustainable Development Week is a large awareness-raising operation targeting the general public, schools, and businesses. In the face of climate change and the need to change our habits, this event invites us to become more environmentally-friendly consumers.


The Climate Fresco: a workshop to raise awareness about climate change.

Trade and Society

The Climate Fresco is an awareness workshop on the challenges of climate change that is increasingly used by major groups such as Suez, EDF, Bouygues, Orange, and Saint-Gobain. We invite you to discover what this playful and educational tool consists of, which allows for mobilizing employees on the subject of climate.


Filtered carafes

Trade and Society

In twenty years, our consumption of bottled water has doubled, placing France second among European countries behind Italy. While environmental concerns encourage us to reduce the use of packaging, even recyclable ones, filtering jugs can be a good compromise between tap water and buying bottles.


Unusual: 3 good sides of mosquitoes.

Trade and Society

When people clap their hands upon seeing a mosquito, it is never to applaud it. And yet, this flying insect of the order Diptera is not without its usefulness in nature and for scientists. We invite you to discover 3 good sides of mosquitoes that you may not suspect!


Having style: 5 mistakes to avoid

Trade and Society

If you admire people who have style, know that a successful look does not depend on the price of clothes. To choose outfits and accessories that enhance your appearance, you must first know yourself well and be aware of certain fashion faux pas. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid in order to have style.

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