Home and Garden

The Golden Hops: A Climbing Plant to Adopt in the Garden

Home and Garden

When we talk about hops, we immediately think of the cone-shaped flowers used to flavor beer. But did you know that this plant can also be grown for ornamental purposes? We are going to introduce you to the good reasons to adopt the 'Aureus' cultivar, also known as golden hops, in your garden.


Christmas Decor: 5 Outdoor Decoration Ideas for the Home and Garden

Home and Garden

As the holiday season approaches, it's time to take out the decorations from their boxes. When December starts to show up, it's not too early to begin decorating the house and outdoor areas such as windows, balconies, or gardens. Here are 5 outdoor decoration ideas to create a magical Christmas decor that your neighbors will envy.


Caryopteris: A Beautiful Flowering Plant in Autumn

Home and Garden

The caryopteris is a hardy small shrub that maintains a reasonable height. Its spread isn't spectacular, but it's highly valued for its autumn blooms. It becomes covered with numerous clusters of blue flowers from August until the first frosts. We will explain how to plant and care for this shrub in 5 questions.


Fantastic Home offers a collection of Harry Potter furniture and decor.

Home and Garden

It has been over 25 years since Harry Potter has been enchanting Muggles of all ages. Pottermania continues to generate an ever more impressive turnover and touches all sectors, including home decor and furnishings. In spring 2023, the brand Fantastic Home launched the first collection of furniture and decorative items under the official Harry Potter license!


House: beware of this pollution in your kitchen!

Home and Garden

According to the results of a European study published on November 8, 2023, more than half of the French households cooking with gas are exposed to nitrogen dioxide levels exceeding the threshold recommended by the WHO. We invite you to learn about this pollution, the health risks it poses, and how to protect yourself from it.


The Siam Pumpkin: Everything You Need to Know in 5 Questions

Home and Garden

Although still relatively unknown in France, the Siam pumpkin is a cucurbit that's worth discovering. It will surprise you with its numerous fruits featuring a unique texture. Highly productive, it yields large fruits that can be stored for several years. We invite you to discover how to grow and consume it in 5 questions.


ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia in 5 questions

Home and Garden

If you have a reputation as a plant killer because you regularly forget to water your green plants, the Zamioculcas zamiifolia is ideal for you! This beautiful plant from the Araceae family, also known as the ZZ plant, withstands drought well thanks to its rhizomes and stems that store water. It has a very aesthetically pleasing shiny green foliage.


How to take care of a tradescantia or wandering jew?

Home and Garden

Despite its nickname "misery," the tradescantia is an easy-going indoor plant that does not bring bad luck! On the contrary, its beautiful graphic foliage brings cheerfulness to the house with its lovely colors. We will explain how to take care of this ideal plant for beginner gardeners.


3 tips to get free green plants

Home and Garden

When you love indoor plants, there's no limit! The most beautiful specimens in garden centers can be quite expensive, so you often have to find other solutions to satisfy your passion and green up your home without breaking the bank. We are going to give you 3 tips to obtain free green plants.


The Crown of Thorns plant: cultivation and maintenance

Home and Garden

The Euphorbia milii, better known as the Crown of Thorns or Christ Plant, is an indoor plant with delicate colorful flowers. There are varieties in red, orange, yellow, or pastel pink. Here are 5 care tips to take care of this beautiful perennial plant.

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