Home and Garden

The dierama or angel's fishing rod: a plant full of poetry.

Home and Garden

Have you heard of the plant called Angel's Fishing Rod? Behind this funny name lies the dierama, a plant with an appearance as poetic as its nickname! Here's everything you need to know about this pretty perennial native to Africa.


Decoration: 5 tips to furnish yourself cheaply

Home and Garden

When moving into a new home, buying furniture is one of the biggest expenses. While the prices of new furniture continue to soar due to inflation, a third of French people say they are tempted by second-hand furniture. If this is your case, we give you 5 tips to furnish yourself cheaply.


Garden : how to divide a perennial plant ?

Home and Garden

Dividing plants is something that every gardener should know about, as this very useful trick allows you to rejuvenate your perennials and multiply them. If you want to reproduce your plants at low cost and share your most beautiful specimens with friends, we explain how to divide a perennial plant.


Arugula salad: 5 things to know about this stinging salad

Home and Garden

With its peppery taste, arugula salad is one of the essential components of mesclun. It's easy to recognize by its tangy taste and crunchy texture. But are you sure you know everything about this funny salad? Here are 5 things to know about this easy-to-grow vegetable.


Drought: how to prepare your vegetable garden for a dry spell?

Home and Garden

Faced with the drought that has affected France since August 2021, gardeners are forced to review their growing methods. As watering restrictions are to be feared next summer, you must now anticipate the lack of water and make choices when planting and sowing your vegetables. We explain how to prepare your vegetable garden for a dry regime in 5 points.


Frog in the garden: what to do?

Home and Garden

If one or more amphibians have taken up residence in your garden, don't worry! These small animals, which are among the endangered species, are friends of the gardener. We explain why it is useful to have a frog in the garden and how to bring the amphibians to your home.


8 steps to non-gardening

Home and Garden

It's time to rediscover the impeccable garden - here's how to get started.


Millettia japonica satsuma : discover the summer wisteria in 5 questions

Home and Garden

Less known than its cousin the Japanese wisteria, the summer wisteria is a voluble plant with evergreen foliage in the mildest climates. This beautiful climber, whose botanical name is Millettia japonica satsuma, is ideal to quickly cover a façade, a fence or a pergola. We suggest you to know everything about this plant in 5 questions.


Basin plants: understand this watering method in 8 questions

Home and Garden

Soaking plants is a watering technique that consists in soaking the pot in a basin of water. This allows the plant to rehydrate thanks to the phenomenon of capillarity. If you want to use this method, we explain how to soak plants in 8 questions.


Vegetable garden: everything you need to know about the blue tomato in 5 questions

Home and Garden

If you like to make colorful summer salads, you probably know about red, yellow, green or even black tomatoes. But have you heard of blue tomato varieties? We suggest you discover the amazing blue tomato in 5 questions.

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