Home and Garden

How to take care of a tradescantia or wandering jew?

Home and Garden

Despite its nickname "misery," the tradescantia is an easy-going indoor plant that does not bring bad luck! On the contrary, its beautiful graphic foliage brings cheerfulness to the house with its lovely colors. We will explain how to take care of this ideal plant for beginner gardeners.


3 tips to get free green plants

Home and Garden

When you love indoor plants, there's no limit! The most beautiful specimens in garden centers can be quite expensive, so you often have to find other solutions to satisfy your passion and green up your home without breaking the bank. We are going to give you 3 tips to obtain free green plants.


The Crown of Thorns plant: cultivation and maintenance

Home and Garden

The Euphorbia milii, better known as the Crown of Thorns or Christ Plant, is an indoor plant with delicate colorful flowers. There are varieties in red, orange, yellow, or pastel pink. Here are 5 care tips to take care of this beautiful perennial plant.


What is the difference between a seedling tree and a grafted tree?

Home and Garden

The fruit trees found in garden centers are systematically grafted. But do you know why this operation is necessary and what is the difference between a rootstock tree and a grafted tree? We offer you to understand everything about tree grafting in 5 questions.


The Jardin des Plantes in Paris: a green space dedicated to science.

Home and Garden

Historical heart of the National Museum of Natural History, the Jardin des Plantes is one of the oldest scientific institutions in France. The botanical garden, as it can be visited today, opened to the public in 1640. It is still today a unique place in France, rich in exceptional natural, cultural, and scientific heritage.


How to protect your garden from wild boars?

Home and Garden

The wild boar, which typically feeds on grass, acorns, insects, and other small animals, has become a real nuisance for gardeners. As its natural habitat shrinks, it increasingly seeks food in gardens during the night. We will explain how to protect your garden from wild boars and prevent these animals from ravaging crops.


Autumn blooms: what are the seasonal flowers?

Home and Garden

It is during the summer that it is appropriate to prepare autumn blooms to see them flourish in September and October. For all those who are wondering about seasonal flowers, here is a selection of bulbs that bloom in autumn and planting tips to flower your garden or balcony from late September until the first frost.


The spotted pothos: 5 good reasons to adopt this plant.

Home and Garden

Have you heard of the spotted pothos? This green plant of tropical origin has only advantages or almost! We have listed for you 5 good reasons to adopt it in your apartment.


Flowers on the Seine: a plant festival in Les Mureaux

Home and Garden

Every year in September, plant and garden lovers meet on the banks of the Seine in Les Mureaux, in the Yvelines. During the Flowers in Seine plant and garden festival, the Oseraie park transforms into an open-air nursery and welcomes exhibitors and various activities in a friendly atmosphere. To top it off, this event is free.


Rubber plant: an easy-to-maintain green plant.

Home and Garden

With its large, glossy green leaves, the rubber plant is an ideal indoor plant for creating a miniature jungle in your living room. In addition to its highly aesthetic appearance, this plant from the ficus family is easy to take care of. Here's what you need to know about this green plant that's perfect for beginner gardeners.

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