Home and Garden

Power outage: how to cope?

Home and Garden

Despite the collective efforts of the French to reduce their electricity consumption, the risk of load shedding and blackouts is very real for the winter of 2022-2023. To face a possible power cut in your neighborhood, it is recommended to anticipate and prepare a kind of 'emergency kit'. Here are the things you need to bring to your home in case of a power outage.


The salak or snake fruit: an unusual exotic fruit

Home and Garden

With its hard brown scales, the salak has the unappealing appearance of a snake skin. However, this exotic fruit typical of Southeast Asia is juicy, acid and sweet at the same time, in a word delicious! We suggest you discover the origin and the characteristics of the amazing snake fruit.


For Saint Barbara's Day, sow wheat and lentils

Home and Garden

December 4th, Saint Barbara's Day, is also the day when we sow wheat and lentils in pretty decorative bowls. This Provençal tradition, originating from an ancient fertility ritual, is an opportunity to share a fun activity with your children. You can then use your plantations to decorate the Christmas crib or the Christmas Eve table.


Sintered stone: a new material for your kitchen

Home and Garden

Have you heard of sintered stone? This new material, which comes from Italy, is increasingly popular in interior and exterior decoration for its aesthetic qualities and its resistance. We invite you to discover the many advantages of this new natural material.


Bringing in plants for winter: when and how?

Home and Garden

Some plants of southern or exotic origin need to be sheltered during the cold season. This is the case for citrus, cacti and oleander, for example. If you're wondering when and how to bring plants in for the winter, read our handy guide! We explain how to winterize cold weather plants in 5 questions.


Exotic flora: 3 emblematic flowers of Malaysia

Home and Garden

Did you know that Malaysia is one of the 17 countries in the world recognized for its biological megadiversity? The fauna and flora are particularly rich there because one finds there still primary forests and coral reefs. Flowers are particularly important among the symbols of this country. We propose you to discover the 3 emblematic flowers of Malaysia.


Palm tree, coconut tree or date tree: how to recognize them?

Home and Garden

Not all species in the large palm family produce edible fruit. In everyday language, the term 'palm' is used to designate either a decorative specimen, a coconut tree or a date palm, which adds to the confusion. We suggest you discover how to differentiate and recognize these different species of palm.


Kitchen garbage can: 5 tips for choosing the right one

Home and Garden

Among kitchen accessories, the trash can is not the most glamorous item, but it is definitely one of the most practical! It is important to think carefully when buying one so that you can sort and dispose of your waste without worry. Here are 5 tips on how to choose the right kitchen garbage can.


Bitter gourd: beware of poisoning!

Home and Garden

With Halloween approaching, pumpkins and cucurbits of all kinds are flourishing on the shelves. But beware: contrary to what we often imagine, not all squash are edible! Some cucurbits with a bitter taste can cause food poisoning, sometimes serious. We explain how to recognize the varieties of toxic squash also called bitter gourds.


Coloquintes: conservation tips and decoration ideas

Home and Garden

In autumn, it's hard not to fall in love with coloquintes, these decorative squashes with their amazing shapes. To highlight their decorative potential, we explain how to store them properly and how to use them in different decorative projects.

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