LAW articles Tag

Ecology: plastic packaging will gradually disappear from the fruit and vegetable section

What does the anti-waste law say? The anti-waste law (law n°2020-105 of February 10, 2020) includes 130 articles that aim to fight against all forms of waste. This law has also set the goal of transforming our economy into a circular economy. The measures of this anti-waste law for a circula ...


Law regulating influencers: soon the end of dubious advertisements.

ady been denounced for questionable advertisements, disguised partnerships, and even suspicions of scams. The creation of a legal status. The proposed law currently being debated in the National Assembly begins by defining the role of influencers and establishing a legal framework for their professi ...


Abortion: Termination of Pregnancy in France in 5 Questions

: there is no increase in the risk of infertility, miscarriages, or ectopic pregnancies following a voluntary interruption of pregnancy. What does French law say about abortion? In France, abortion is legal and regulated by law since 1975. Simone Veil, who was the Minister of Health in Chirac's gove ...


The end of disposable packaging in fast-food restaurants in 7 questions

1- What does the law say? According to the anti-waste law for a circular economy (Agec) passed in 2020, no more fast food chains must use disposable dishes and packaging for meals eaten on site from January 1, 2023. After the ban on plastic straws and cutlery, the end of disposable packaging in ...


Environment: Understanding Nature Restoration in 5 Questions

. The goal is to repair the degradation affecting the most fragile ecosystems such as wetlands, peat bogs, dunes, and grasslands. What does European law say about nature restoration? The Nature Restoration Law was adopted by the European Parliament in July 2023. On November 10, 2023, the EU member ...


Work: understanding the 4-day week in 5 questions

urs of weekly work spread over 4 days. In France too, some companies have practiced or are still practicing the 4-day week. In 1996, the Robien law had allowed 400 companies to go from 39 hours to 32 hours over 4 days by exempting them from unemployment contributions if they increased their wo ...


Advertising for fossil fuels is now prohibited

France. The ban on ads touting these environmentally harmful products because they emit greenhouse gases was voted in 2021 as part of the climate law. It has been in force in our country since August 22, 2022 and it is a first in Europe! Several fossil fuels in the spotlight With the comi ...


The end of the mandatory receipt: what does it change?

ions. Why this measure? The end of the mandatory receipt is a measure to protect the environment and health. It has been provided for by the AGEC law (anti-waste law for a circular economy) of February 10, 2020. Indeed, no less than 30 billion tickets are printed each year in France... This h ...


Clothing and footwear: how does the textile repair bonus work?

the repairer to take steps with the Refashion Repair Fund to be reimbursed for the amount of the discount. This scheme is funded through ecotaxes paid by textile brands, household linen, and footwear as part of the AGEC law (anti-waste law for a circular economy) and the Extended Producer Responsi ...


Paid leave accrued during sick leave: what does the labor code reform provide?

Why this amendment to the French law? It's a small revolution in the French Labor Code. French employees will soon be able to accrue paid leave while on sick leave for a non-occupational illness. This means that employees will be able to accumulate days off, even if their absence is not related to ...


The PERP, Plan d'épargne retraite populaire, translates to the Popular Retirement Savings Plan in English.

Definition The Popular Retirement Savings Plan is an individual and optional life insurance contract. It is accessible to everyone and allows individuals to build up additional income for retirement by making voluntary or periodic contributions throughout their working lives, with no obligation to ...


Mother's Day: 5 commandments for a successful celebration.

in 1941. However, it is false to say that this holiday was invented by Marshal Pétain... Its celebration was fixed on the last Sunday of May by the law of May 24, 1950, and was integrated into the Code of Social Action and Families in 1956, as a "tribute" that the French Republic officially pays ...


How to pass the BAFA?

a widely recognized diploma in the field of socio-cultural animation. It is the most often required diploma to work in this sector. According to the law, organizers of Vacation and Leisure centers must ensure supervision of at least 1 animator for 12 children (for children aged 6 and over) and 1 an ...


Non Newtonian fluids

ut discomfort. The branch of physics that studies them is called 'rheology'. Summary on a non-Newtonian liquid A fluid that deviates from Newton's law of viscosity - constant viscosity regardless of stress - is called non-Newtonian. When subjected to a force, the viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids ...


Women's Rugby: History and Achievements

tain was Isabelle Navarro, who was a student at the University of Toulouse Rangueil. The first women's teams gradually organized themselves as a 1901 law association, and the French Association of Women's Rugby (AFRF) was founded in 1970, with officially declared statutes in the prefecture of Toulo ...


The Legion of Honor: History and Characteristics

or dates back to when? The National Order of the Legion of Honor was created by Napoleon Bonaparte following the model of the Order of Saint Louis. The law establishing this new Order was passed on 29 Floréal Year X (May 19, 1802). While the Revolution had abolished all Orders and decorations of t ...


Public Holidays: Understanding the Regulations in 5 Questions

public holiday. For a working public holiday: On May 1st, you receive a 100% salary increase. For other public holidays, no salary increase is provided by law, but some collective agreements provide more favorable provisions. Note: the solidarity day, by default set on Whit Monday, must be worke ...


The Vanoise National Park: a magnificent park in Savoie.

education • a peripheral zone for animation and information showcasing local natural and cultural resources as well as agriculture and tourism. Since the new law on national parks in 2006, the central zone has become the heart and the peripheral zone the optimal area of ??adhesion. The flora of ...


Cyberbullying: how to protect your children?

dence of the abuse. In the most serious cases, you can file a complaint with the police station or the gendarmerie. Cyberbullying is punishable by law by fines or heavier penalties such as community service or prison. ...


Environment: not everything is allowed on the beach

e and unrestricted. However, collecting sand, pebbles or shells as holiday souvenirs weakens the coastline. That is why this practice is framed by law. According to Article L 321-8 of the Environmental Code, 'material extractions are limited or prohibited when they risk compromising, directly ...
