green plants articles Tag

3 tips to get free green plants

1- Multiply your plants If you already have indoor plants that you love at home, the first of the 3 tips for getting free green plants is to multiply them by division or cuttings. Gardeners who have a vegetable garden are familiar with the technique of multiplication by division, which can be appl ...


Wellness at work: 4 good reasons to put green plants in the office

panies are putting plants in their entrance hall or plant walls in their premises. Very serious scientific studies have shown that the presence of Green plants in the office helps to improve well-being at work. Indeed, in addition to the supposed action of depolluting plants against indoor pol ...


Green plants: how to take care of them during the heat wave?

quency of watering. Since the air is drier in hot weather, you should first check the condition of the foliage and soil more often to make sure your Green plants aren't thirsty. Even if you spray them regularly to compensate for the dry air, be aware that spraying is not a substitute for water ...


Green plants: why put matches in the pots?

A grandmother's trick Putting matches in the pots of Green plants and flowers is not a new idea. Quite the contrary, it's an old and time-honored grandmotherly trick. So, while it may seem surprising to you to plant matches in the substrate of your Green plants or in your flower pots, know that ...


The watering gel to water plants during vacations.

What is watering gel? The watering gel comes in the form of transparent gel cubes that are actually gelled water. It is placed in the pot of green plants to hydrate them when we are not there, especially during vacations. Indeed, this gel disintegrates over the days, releasing water at the base of ...


Gardening: what water for indoor plants?

Therefore, they do not appreciate being watered with hot water or cold water from the refrigerator! The first rule to remember to avoid killing your green plants is to always use room temperature water. Rule #2: The best water is rainwater. Even though rainwater is unfit for human consumption as it ...


Heat: indoor plants to cool the house

he atmosphere warms, plants release moisture into the air at their leaves to cool themselves. This phenomenon called plant transpiration explains why Green plants are cooling. Therefore, it is possible to use houseplants to cool the house when the temperature climbs and you don't have air conditi ...


Making natural fertilizer with banana peel.

fertilizer helps stimulate flowering and fruiting. You can use this banana water to bathe your orchids, water your tropical plants, boost the flowering of your green plants such as spathiphyllum, and water the flowers on your balcony such as geraniums and roses... ...


Christmas tree: 5 tips to keep your tree green

iters of water every day. Also remember to brush its branches while the tree is still undecorated. These gestures that are usually reserved for Green plants and other Indoor plants are a good way to prevent your Christmas tree from drying out prematurely. 4- Avoid artificial snow Even if a ...


Decoration: 5 good resolutions to adopt at home

f nature by adopting plants and flowers in your home. More and more city dwellers are going green and collecting plants of all kinds, as pampering Green plants is a great way to escape and reconnect with nature when you live in the city. ...


Gardening: 5 good deals to find cheap plants.

ate to talk to sellers and ask for a discount if you buy several plants. • set alerts for plant classified ads on Leboncoin website: some users sell their green plants at low prices when they move! 5- Gifts between individuals Finally, the last of the 5 good deals to find cheap plants is to t ...


Purple oxalis: everything you need to know about the false shamrock in 5 questions.

"Why and how to choose a purple oxalis?" Buying a purple oxalis is often motivated by the desire to add a touch of color to the midst of green plants. The main asset of the oxalis triangularis is indeed to have a magnificent violet foliage! This plant from the Oxalidaceae family is native to South ...


The spotted pothos: 5 good reasons to adopt this plant.

rt. 4- It is a depolluting plant. Among the 5 good reasons to adopt a spotted pothos at home, it is also worth noting that this species is part of the green plants that purify the ambient air. It is said to have the power to absorb various toxic substances such as toluene from paints and solvents, ...


ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia in 5 questions

How to choose the right ZZ plant? At the time of purchase, it is advisable to opt for a ZZ plant with many shoots and a well-developed root system, as these are two signs of good health. Also prefer a Zamioculcas zamiifolia with some stems that have dark leaves. This means that it is already an ad ...


Compost: How to Avoid Bad Smells and Insects?

How to avoid bad smells associated with compost? Composting is one of the options to comply with the obligation of sorting biowaste that came into effect on January 1, 2024. As an individual, you can install a compost bin at home, in your garden, on your balcony, or even in your kitchen. When ever ...


Vastu Shastra: The Indian Feng Shui to Harmonize Your Home

d, sharp corners and sharp edges emit a lot of energy and are sources of stress... To reduce their negative impact on sleep, it is recommended to place green plants near these angles. Plants emit positive energy and act as a shield to protect sleepers. ...
