What does this biodiversity lottery consist of? After the heritage lottery, created in 2018 to ensure the preservation of endangered monuments, the French National Lottery is launching a new game based on the same principle starting from October 23, 2023. The scratch card game "Mission Nature" is ...
s to your garden. They will come on their own to feed on nectar if you don't regularly mow these melliferous grasses. 3- The lawn is a refuge for biodiversity Following the same logic, if you are concerned about Gardening naturally and welcome biodiversity in your garden, you should no longer mo ...
In concrete terms, if you have a garden, you can now buy these seeds legally, which is a victory for food independence and for the safeguarding of biodiversity. 4- They are precious for our future In 2019, a report by the FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) alert ...
Biodiversity near you. Yann Arthus-Bertrand has accustomed us to documentaries paying tribute to the wonders of nature around the world. Through his films and his magnificent aerial images, the famous photographer shows us the natural treasures that abound on our blue planet. In Vivant, his brand ...
h as the Breton draft horse, the Ouessant sheep, the Froment du Léon cow, and the Rennes cuckoo chicken. A educational farm dedicated to agriculture and biodiversity. The Gardens of Awakening, which are the result of four years of work, are above all an educational farm. What was originally just a ...
ces and developing more sustainable finance. As civil society and investors become increasingly attentive to corporate commitments to the climate and biodiversity, this European directive should also allow for more transparency. It requires more accurate and comprehensive data based on standardized ...
It was developed in France from 1998 to support tourism professionals wishing to develop activities that are more respectful of the environment and biodiversity. Today, the Green Key is the leading international eco-label for sustainable tourism in tourist accommodations and restaurants. This lab ...
im hedges is in November and December. If you didn't do it in winter, you will have to wait until summer to avoid disturbing the birds and to promote biodiversity in your garden. The Bird Protection League, or LPO, advises postponing the spring pruning of shrubs and bushes. More specifically, this ...
a, the hero supposedly placed the gorgon's head on a cushion of seaweed. It, soaked in blood, turned to stone to give birth to coral. Coral reefs promote biodiversity. In all the seas where they are found, corals provide habitat for a great number of other species and live in symbiosis with plants a ...
en eagle and great horned owl. The bearded vulture was reintroduced there in the 1990s. If you want to learn more about the park's fauna and local biodiversity, we recommend visiting the four visitor centers located in Cogne, Valsavarenche and Rhêmes-Notre-Dame. A centennial celebrated all s ...
heat persists longer. Depending on the duration of the phenomenon, it can affect only surface waters or deeper waters, with more severe impacts on biodiversity. How does it manifest itself? With the successive heat waves that France is experiencing in 2022, the oceans have absorbed excess hea ...
1- Is hunting prohibited on certain days? On January 9, 2023, Secretary of State for Ecology and Biodiversity Bérangère Couillard presented about 15 measures, mostly inspired by the Senate's information mission launched at the end of 2021 following a petition that called for a ban on hunting on S ...
ential ecological reflex to save water in the garden and help your plants survive during periods of drought and watering restrictions. 3- It promotes biodiversity in the garden. Another good reason to use straw in your garden is that this material provides shelter for many species, including benefic ...
0 for their natural heritage: Gunung Mulu National Park and Kinabalu Park. Gunung Mulu Park, located in the state of Sarawak, is exceptional for its biodiversity as well as its karst features. It is actually the most studied tropical karst area in the world. This natural park, dominated by the mou ...
ure restoration is an increasingly popular strategy to address the rapid degradation of ecosystems. It offers a potential response to the collapse of biodiversity as it helps to preserve life and promote the return of declining species, such as prairie butterflies and birds on farmland. The desire ...
. In addition to their color palette ranging from rosy white to purple, the flowers of this shrub emit a slight violet fragrance when approached. 4- It promotes biodiversity in the garden. Thanks to its sweet-scented bloom, the desert willow is a honey plant that attracts all kinds of pollinators t ...
rticular to fairer trade transactions. It also favors environmentally respectful modes of production and participates in the fight against climate change and biodiversity preservation. Note that the Fair Trade Fortnight has contributed to the strong development of this sector in France over the pas ...
Nowadays, many islands have become recreational areas and second homes, as well as wastelands that house numerous species of animals and plants. This biodiversity constitutes a natural heritage to be preserved. What is the history of the hortillonnages? Market gardening, that is to say, the intensiv ...
ld. Thus, this wildlife photography contest serves as an excellent showcase for the winners' work and a platform to advocate for the environment and biodiversity through extraordinary images. Frenchman Laurent Ballesta has won the Grand Prize 2024. Cock-a-doodle-doo! It's the French photographer La ...
e fond of these gastropods, as are hedgehogs, toads, thrushes, blackbirds, chickens, and ducks. Their valuable help is another good reason to promote biodiversity in the garden! ...