News and Media

Will global warming in France in the 21st century be greater than expected?

News and Media

A group of French researchers associated with Cerfacs (an institute specializing in digital simulation) predicts a 3.8° increase in the average temperature in France. This scenario, which is half of what has been predicted until now, will have consequences for the agricultural sector and the entire ecosystem in France. Will we be able to adapt to this new situation?


Jamy's World: a tantalizing issue on the great adventure of taste

News and Media

Attention foodistas and fans of Le Monde de Jamy! The next issue of this science magazine, which will be broadcast on Wednesday, October 12, will take you on a tantalizing gustatory journey filled with exciting information. This magazine devoted to The Great Adventure of Taste promises to reveal the secrets and quirks of our taste system.


Times are changing: what is Faustine Bollaert's show on France 2 worth?

News and Media

On Tuesday, October 4, Faustine Bollaert offers a new issue of her magazine Les temps changent on the theme 'Sex, couple and love, 50 years of revolution'. Through rare archives and numerous testimonies of French people of all ages, this program sheds light on the evolution of mentalities around the notion of the couple.


The asperitas: a spectacular weather phenomenon

News and Media

Have you ever observed spectacular waves of clouds forming in the sky? The weather phenomenon that seems to turn the sky into a stormy sea is called asperitas or asperatus. Here is everything you need to know about these strange and very photogenic clouds.


Syndrome E: a dark thriller that flirts with horror

News and Media

With the series Syndrome E, to be discovered from Thursday, September 29, TF1 dares the black thriller and flirts with horror. And the result is worth watching! We have listed for you 5 good reasons to discover this new, dark and addictive series.


Les Potagers de Julie : Julie Andrieu goes from the kitchen to the garden

News and Media

With the new magazine Les Potagers de Julie, Julie Andrieu goes green on Saturday afternoons on France 3. After having presented Les Carnets de Julie for ten years, the host reinvents her way of cooking in a collection of programs more focused on the products of the vegetable garden.


Les Combattantes: what is the new TF1 series worth?

News and Media

From September 19, TF1 launches a new series with a beautiful gallery of female characters. As its title indicates, the great historical fresco Les Combattantes honors four women in wartime. But is this 8-episode saga worth watching?


Banning junk food advertising reduces risk of obesity

News and Media

Did you know that the city of London has banned advertising for junk food on public transport since 2019? We could learn from this example because since this measure was taken, a decrease in obesity has been observed. Banning junk food advertising would have a real impact on the food choices of the population and would reduce the risk of overweight and obesity.


Detox on Netflix: a hilarious and well-reviewed mini-series

News and Media

The series Détox offered on Netflix since September 1st is the good surprise of the fall. In this six-episode French mini-series, two young women take the challenge of doing without their phone and the Internet for a month. A digital detox not easy, revealing our shortcomings and especially hilarious!


Papotin's meetings : interviews without fard

News and Media

Since September 3, 2022, France 2 has been broadcasting Les rencontres du Papotin. In this original magazine, personalities are interviewed by atypical journalists with autism spectrum disorders. In this context where spontaneity is the key word, the guests reveal themselves as never before.

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