starches articles Tag

Batch cooking: 5 tips for getting started

es (like carrots and spinach) that you can use in gratins or quiches. With this method, don't hesitate to cook large proportions of vegetables and starches to use in different recipes. Use them sometimes as side dishes and sometimes as the base of a mixed salad. Also remember to alternate ingr ...


Eating healthy at work: 6 practical tips for lunch break.

hy snack to munch on at the office. 6- Start batch cooking. If you find it difficult to bring a balanced meal to work because you don't have time to cook starches and vegetables every night for the next day, the solution is to start batch cooking! Batch cooking is a meal planning method that appear ...


Health: 5 Tips for a Spring in Full Swing

ountains, take advantage of spring to rebalance your diet. Eating a balanced diet is the best detox you can do. Combine raw or cooked vegetables with starches (preferably whole or semi-whole grains), legumes (such as lentils and chickpeas), fish and seafood, as well as lean meats like chicken or tur ...


Beef and pork brochettes: a barbecue recipe

other possible accompaniments for your skewers. Barbecued or plancha grilled meat is low in fat and can be enjoyed with all kinds of vegetables or starches, so it will be easy for you to compose a balanced menu according to your desires! ...


Portion per person: how to measure the right amount of food?

fridge, get a kitchen scale! For rice, pasta or pulses before cooking, the portion per person is 60 g to 80 g depending on appetite. Once these starches are cooked, to know how much you can eat, remember that : you should use about 3 tablespoons the volume on your plate should not exceed tha ...


Glucose revolution: the new diet phenomenon in 5 questions

to eat less, but to consume foods in a specific order. According to the glucose papess, you should always eat fiber first, protein and fat second, and starches and sugars last to slow down their assimilation. In practice, the young biochemist recommends starting each meal with vegetables, incl ...


Diet: 5 tips to lose holiday pounds

ips to lose holiday pounds that you can easily apply is the PFF method (for bread, starch, flour). This method simply involves not eating multiple starches in the same meal. In practice, if you eat pasta as a side dish or main course, you should not eat bread during the meal or cake for dessert. ...


Grandma's easy turkey stir-fry recipe

the heat. Cooking the turkey stir-fry 1- Cook the turkey stir-fry grandma style for 30 minutes on low heat. 2- Serve piping hot with a side of starches. To note: I advise you to serve this complete dish with local flavors with a good homemade mashed potatoes. But nothing prevents you from ...


Spring recipes: a week of balanced and seasonal menus.

enu ideas. It is also one of the best ways to balance your diet. This type of weekly program allows you to visualize imbalances such as an excess of starches or animal proteins or the absence of fruits and vegetables during a meal. This weekly meal planning exercise also helps to diversify your di ...


Heatwave and health: mistakes to avoid

• cooked vegetables like ratatouille or chilled zucchini soup • sources of protein such as cheese (like mozzarella or feta) or chicken breast • starches that you can incorporate into a composed salad: preparing a pasta or quinoa salad is a simple yet effective way to have a complete meal ...


Summer Recipes: A Week of Easy and Seasonal Menus

In imagining this week of easy menus, I have strived to vary the pleasures but also to balance the meals by integrating a source of proteins and complex carbohydrates (starches) each time. If the notion of balanced nutrition interests you, I invite you to read our article on the subject: eating b ...
