Green articles Tag

The Green Key: A Label on the Rise

What is the Green Key label? The Green Key label was launched in 1994 in Denmark for tourist accommodations such as hotels, youth hostels, and holiday centers. It was developed in France from 1998 to support tourism professionals wishing to develop activities that are more respectful of the enviro ...


Black Friday: 3 solidarity alternatives

of this Circular Monday encourage participants to post a photo of the corresponding products on social networks with the hashtag #circularmonday. Green or Blue Friday In France, people who want to denounce the excessive and unreasonable consumption associated with Black Friday have created the G ...


Vegetable garden: everything you need to know about the blue tomato in 5 questions

oted, however, that when they ripen, the fruits of this variety are not sky blue but rather an almost black indigo... Blue tomatoes show shades of green and dark purple when young and turn red and indigo when ripe. Only the parts of the fruit exposed to sunlight turn blue. As for the flesh, it ...


Restaurants: What is the Michelin Green Star?

What is a green Michelin star? The green Michelin star is the latest distinction from the famous red guide. It stands out from other stars not only because of its color but also, and above all, because of its eco-responsible commitment. This distinction can be awarded to any type of establishment ...


Green manure: definition, sowing and benefits.

What is green manure? A green manure is a fast-growing plant that is temporarily cultivated to improve soil structure and enrich the land. This method involves sowing fast-growing plants, which continue to grow even in the late season and cover the ground over a large area. These plants are then ...


Organizing an eco-friendly Christmas: tips and tricks

How to make an ecological Christmas decoration? To organize a Green Christmas, avoid the artificial tree. Its manufacture and destruction consume a lot of energy and its lifespan (3 years on average) does not compensate for its ecological footprint. Prefer a natural tree that you will throw away ...


Cheaper holidays: what if you tried green tourism?

people will stay in France or visit our European neighbors this summer. Since Europe has a dense enough rail network, the first good plan to combine green tourism and cheaper holidays is to prefer the train to the plane. To take advantage of the best rates, it is preferable to book tickets well in ...


Company: Understanding the CSRD Directive in 5 Questions

nt, especially in terms of decarbonization challenges. This text is part of the desired developments by the EU to meet the ambitions of the European Green Deal. The goal is to respect the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2 ...


Chamrousse: What are the 5 main strengths of this resort?

- His commitment to the environment. In addition to the Famille Plus label, the Chamrousse resort was the first in the Isère department to receive the Green Snowflake label in January 2017. As a reminder, the Green Snowflake rewards the actions of ski resorts in favor of sustainable development. T ...


Saint Patrick's Day: Where does the tradition of wearing green on March 17th come from?

Originally, the color of St. Patrick's Day was not green. March 17th is an important date for all Irish people. Saint Patrick's Day is indeed the national holiday of Ireland and a public holiday in the country. This event is celebrated all over the Emerald Isle and around the world by partying wit ...


European elections: the EU&I app helps you choose your party

h your personal beliefs, this app asks for your opinion on divisive issues, such as state deficits, the European single currency, immigration, or the Green Deal in Europe… But, of course, this online tool guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of your responses. Once you have responded to t ...


La Grande Motte: 5 things to know about this seaside resort in Hérault

n for this city in Hérault: the centenary of its architect's birth and its 50 years of existence as an independent municipality! 4- La Grande Motte is the greenest resort in Europe. In the span of 50 years, this city once nicknamed "The Big Ugly" has earned its reputation for its unique architectur ...


Tea: Unraveling Fact from Fiction!

A too short steeping time causes black teas to lose their woody taste, brought by the tannins which take time to infuse into the water. The flavor of green tea is also affected as its aromatic compounds no longer balance with the famous tannins. Moreover, contrary to a fairly widespread belief, a q ...


The griffin foot: a winter flower

perennial plant in the same family as the Christmas rose or hellebore (Helleborus niger). This 60 cm tall plant is characterized by generous dark green foliage. Its long, toothed leaves are evergreen. But it is most appreciated for its winter bloom, which blooms despite the cold, from January ...


Green plants: why put matches in the pots?

A grandmother's trick Putting matches in the pots of Green plants and flowers is not a new idea. Quite the contrary, it's an old and time-honored grandmotherly trick. So, while it may seem surprising to you to plant matches in the substrate of your Green plants or in your flower pots, know that ...


Astronomy: 5 things to know about pulsars

me, this strange signal was different from all known radio astronomical signals. In fact, the scientists who detected it first nicknamed it Little Green Man because they didn't know how to interpret such a regular signal from space. The theory of an extraterrestrial signal was soon abandoned. ...


Green tourism: what is a geopark?

A label awarded by UNESCO UNESCO, which is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has its headquarters in Paris. This organization is notably known for establishing the list of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List of Humanity. But it also awards, since 2015, ...


Car insurance: the end of the green card

Green Insurance Card: Established in 1949, the insurance certificate, or green card allows any driver to justify that his vehicle is covered by a car insurance contract, both by the certificate and by the green sticker on the windshield. The driver, whether car or motorcycle, must sign the part to ...


Senility: drinking tea to prevent cognitive decline

this beverage, which is the most consumed in the world after water, has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and on the immune system. Green tea could thus help reduce the symptoms of certain autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and certain inflammatory bowel diseases. Wou ...


Balanced meal ideas: a week of easy recipes

ken with mustard and pan-fried vegetables Semolina Cake with Maple Syrup (lactose-free recipe) Tuesday Baked Tomato Salmon and Steamed Potatoes Green Salad Peach Salad with Hibiscus Jelly Wednesday Quinoa salad with tuna Lasagna with Ratatouille Express coconut custard Thursday Thai ...
