Vaccination Pass: Who Is Affected By The Update Of The Vaccination Certificate On February 1, 2022?

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, you may have received a message that your vaccine pass will soon expire, even though you received your booster dose. Don't worry: this message simply asks you to update to keep a valid QR code. We suggest you understand everything about this update in 3 questions.

1- Who is concerned by this update?

Only some French people received on February 1, 2022 an alert message via their Ameli account.

Perhaps you are one of the people concerned and were surprised because this message announces the expiration of your vaccination pass on February 15, while you have indeed received your booster dose.

This message was sent yesterday to people who contracted Covid-19 and received an initial vaccination with a single dose, and then received their booster vaccination before February 1, 2022.

If you are one of those people who have a complete vaccination schedule after contracting the disease and receiving two doses of vaccine, no worries! You can keep a valid QR code by simply updating your vaccination pass.

2- How to update?

The message you received on February 1, 2022 is related to a technical problem with the AllAntiCovid application.

To fix this, simply update your vaccination certificate from February 1, 2022 by visiting (link below).

By connecting to this site using France Connect you will be able to obtain a new vaccination certificate identical to the previous one, except for one detail!

At the location 'Number of doses in a series of vaccines' (bottom right of the sheet), it says 2/1 instead of 2/2.

This new wording makes it clear that you had an initial vaccination cycle with only one dose and that you have completed your booster dose.

Once you have this new certificate, you can save it directly to the TousAntiCovid app if you have logged into with your smartphone.

Otherwise, simply scan your new QR code into the app by going to My Book > Add Certificate.

As before, once you flash the QR code you will see a shower of confetti appear on your screen.

This means that you have succeeded and this is great news! Indeed, unlike the old one, your updated vaccine pass has permanent validity and it allows you to travel.

3- Who to contact in case of difficulties?

To update your vaccination certificate, you can do the above process entirely online.

Nevertheless, if you are unable to update your vaccination certificate online or if you do not have an Ameli account (because you depend on the MGEN or the railway workers' provident fund, for example), you have the option of obtaining your new vaccination certificate in paper format from a health professional.

Simply go to a pharmacy or to your attending physician with your Vitale card to request a paper printout of your new vaccination certificate.

In addition, if you have any questions about the vaccine pass or how to use the TousAntiCovid application you can call the free number 0 800 087 148.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Djamel Bouaki FTV
Tags: vaccination certificate, vaccination, vaccine, QR code, booster dose, Dose, paper, APP, health professional, pharmacy, MGEN, Validity, great news, confetti, Shower, Smartphone, 2/1, French people, February 15, COVID-19, booster, vaccination schedule, disease, The message, France, vaccines, attending physician,
More informations:
In French: Pass vaccinal : qui est concerné par la mise à jour de l'attestation de vaccination au 1er février 2022 ?
En español: Pase de vacunación: ¿a quién afecta la actualización del certificado de vacunación el 1 de febrero de 2022?
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