My Health Space: 5 Questions To Understand Everything

At the beginning of 2022, a new digital space called My Health Space replaces the Shared Medical Record or DMP. Here is everything you need to know about this new service in 5 questions.

1- What exactly is it about?

Mon espace santé is a digital health space designed to make it easier for users of the Assurance Maladie and their exchanges with health professionals.

In the same way as the Shared Medical Record (which it replaces), this new personal space centralizes your medical information.

But rest assured: apart from yourself, only healthcare professionals can access this digital space. Neither your employer nor an insurer, for example, can consult your medical data.

2- What information does it contain?

My Health Space is a digital space that contains:

- an enhanced version of the Shared Medical Record to store and share all health data (such as prescriptions, test results, medical imaging images, patient medical history and allergies, and hospitalization reports).

- a secure messaging system for exchanges between patients and healthcare professionals.

Later, this digital space will be completed by two other services:
- an agenda to manage one's medical appointments and receive reminders for appointments and examinations that should not be missed.

- a catalog of state-certified apps to help you choose the best digital tools for monitoring your health.

3- What are the steps to take?

Between January and March 2022, all Medicare enrollees will receive a letter or email asking them to activate their health space.

You will have a period of 6 weeks after receiving this mail or email to object to the creation of this digital space. Without a response from you, your health space will automatically be created.

All people who already had a shared medical record before July 1, 2021, i.e. about 10 million French people, will automatically find their record and their health data in their Health Space as soon as it is activated.

You will also be able, if you wish, to add certain information to it, such as your current treatments, allergies, family history and even your last wishes.

4- How to activate My Health Space?

To activate Mon espace santé, all you need is your Vitale card and the temporary code sent to you by the Assurance Maladie by mail or email, then go to (link below).

If your provisional code has expired, you can generate a new one by clicking on the button Generate a new provisional code.

You must then complete the form with the information on your Vitale card. You will be emailed a link to access the login page.

Also note that, even after agreeing to the creation of this space, you can delete it at any time by logging into the official website.

5- Where can I find more information?

To learn more about My Health Space and how it works, you can visit the official website's frequently asked questions at:

As for people who do not have a computer or an Internet connection, they will be able to find help at a France services proximity counter.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Mon espace santé
Tags: digital, HEALTH, email, code, allergies, health data, healthcare professionals, Espace, mon, Frequently Asked Questions, computer, logging, family history, French people, Internet, medical record, object, Medicare, apps, Medical history, Medical imaging, personal space, digital health, DMP, France,
More informations:
In French: Mon espace santé : tout comprendre en 5 questions
En español: Mi espacio de salud: 5 preguntas para entender
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