soil articles Tag

Kitchen Garden: Phenoculture or Hay Mulching in 5 Questions

hor of a book titled "The Lazy Gardener's Vegetable Garden." In this book, he explains that hay is the best possible natural material for mulching the soil and perfectly nourishing all the organisms that develop there, such as earthworms, fungi, and bacteria. This expert in agroecology argues that ...


Garden: 5 good reasons to use straw.

d a layer of 15 to 20 cm thick in the fall at the base of your crops but also on empty beds to prevent the appearance of an impermeable crust on bare soil. The following spring, you can push back this mulch to let the soil warm up. 2- It limits evaporation. In the summer, using cereal straw as mulch ...


Garden: Planting Lavender in 5 Questions

l that provides plants with a drained and airy environment, in addition to giving your balcony a typically Provencal charm! As for the nature of the soil, this southern plant is content with ordinary soil. It can adapt without problem to poor soil, even if it is dry and chalky. Its only requiremen ...


Green manure: definition, sowing and benefits.

What is green manure? A green manure is a fast-growing plant that is temporarily cultivated to improve soil structure and enrich the land. This method involves sowing fast-growing plants, which continue to grow even in the late season and cover the ground over a large area. These plants are then ...


White lupine: a decorative and edible plant

sure, grows to 1 m to 1, 20 m tall and offers white spike-like flowers. Its cultivation is rather easy because it is content with a little fertile soil, even sandy. It is actually used in organic farming as a green manure to regenerate depleted soil. However, it should be noted that this plant ...


Fertilizer: how to use wood ash in the garden?

• 0.5 to 2% phosphorus. These elements are beneficial to plants for various reasons: • Calcium is an excellent limestone amendment. It helps to reduce soil acidity. • Potassium, or potash, is one of the main components of fertilizers: it's the famous K in NPK fertilizers! It stimulat ...


Vegetable garden: which mulch for which plant?

What materials for your mulch? Multiple options exist for gardeners who want to mulch the soil of a vegetable garden. The most economical solutions involve collecting some green waste from the garden, such as dead leaves or grass clippings. But be careful: not all organic materials are equal and t ...


Growing Strawberries in 7 Questions

haracterized by its perfume of wild strawberries, Ostara or Reine des vallées. How to grow strawberries? Strawberries prefer a cool and rather acidic soil. Provide them with a soil rich in humus and well-drained, possibly adding river sand and peat if the soil is too compact. Also note that they a ...


How to save water in the garden?

ce evaporation and leaf scorching from the sun. Effective watering means watering slowly so that the water does not run off and is well absorbed by the soil. Collecting rainwater that runs off the roof is another well-known tip for more economical and ecological watering. Nowadays, there are tanks ...


Growing cabbage: what are the different varieties?

ut was once used as a fodder plant to feed livestock. Easy to grow leafy vegetables Cabbages are hardy plants that like deep, cool, rather chalky soil. All cabbages, except Brussels sprouts, prefer fairly well-smoked soil. When starting, remember to hoe to clean the soil at the foot of your y ...


Green plants: why put matches in the pots?

he minerals in them. It's not uncommon for Green plants growing in pots to eventually run out of nutrients. By drawing essential minerals from the soil, they deplete their substrate and wither away if you don't provide them with fertilizer and/or a fresh substrate. Planting matches in the soil ...


Gardening: what is an epiphytic plant?

to find some organic matter and to collect water from rain or dew. Epiphytic plants find everything they need to live without any contact with the soil. To compensate for the lack of soil, these species have adapted. They usually have organs that absorb ambient moisture (such as small absorben ...


The mimulus: flowers full of colors.

of France, you can also plant these cheerful trumpets in autumn. In any case, choose a sunny but not too hot location and provide them with a light soil rich in humus. Once well established, mimulus will self-seed spontaneously, although it is also possible to divide them in the spring. Before pl ...


Purple oxalis: everything you need to know about the false shamrock in 5 questions.

to care for a purple oxalis? Purple oxalis is a plant that is rather easy to maintain. In the summer, it needs to be watered sufficiently so that the soil remains always moist. But be careful not to let stagnant water at the bottom of the pot or in the saucer! In winter, you can space out the wate ...


Gardening: 5 tips for sharpening your garden tools.

That is why it is recommended to sharpen cutting tools regularly, ideally after each use. Good to know For other garden tools used for working the soil, such as a hoe, it is advisable to sharpen them once a year in autumn before storing them away from the elements for the winter. When the blade o ...


What is the difference between a seedling tree and a grafted tree?

from a nursery. It is enough to sow them. When they are sown in place, these trees develop a significant root system that anchors them firmly in the soil and allows them to fetch water from deep below. They are vigorous, resistant to drought, and can live long and healthy lives. But a free tree a ...


How to germinate a lychee seed?

ce the pit in an airtight container. It is often heard that it's very easy to germinate a lychee seed and that all you need to do is plant it in damp soil. However, if you want to create optimal conditions for the germination of this type of seed, I advise you not to skip step number 2. It involves ...


The beauty of the day: everything you need to know about this flower in 5 questions

h a large container. They can also be sown in borders, on slopes, in flower meadows, or in flower beds. This plant, which is not demanding regarding soil type, can even be used as ground cover on poor soil. Since the dayflower is hardy down to -10°C, you can sow it in place from April until May o ...


Garden: 5 Grandma's recipes that work

is precaution prevents some animals (like your dog, for example) from digging up and digging up this precious natural fertilizer. 2- Sprinkle the soil with eggshells to prevent slugs This other grandmother's garden recipe also works. Yes, but with certain conditions! If you want to protect yo ...


Gardening: 5 tips for repotting a fat plant

w, once installed in its new pot. 3- Use a suitable substrate The third tip for repotting a fat plant is to use a suitable substrate, i.e. cactus soil. Since succulents are plants that like poor, well-drained soil, cactus potting soils may even be too rich. To remedy this problem, also inc ...
