mmer, poppies bring cheerfulness to gardens with their bright colors and slightly crumpled delicate petals. This generic name refers to plants of the genus Papaver but also to flowers belonging to other botanical families. Their light yet conspicuous flowers embellish both flower beds and rockeries ...
"They will make you see all the colors." In botany, the genus Mimulus has nearly 180 species of plants that can be annual or perennial and even sometimes shrubby. These flowers in the family Scrophulariaceae (the same family as foxglove and snapdragon) have a variable height (from 30 cm to 1.50 m) ...
A large family of flowers. The genus of Hibiscus has more than 30,000 varieties of annual or perennial flowering plants. It belongs to the Malvaceae family, like mallows. The hibiscus is a shrub that can reach a height of 5 meters and its flowers, either single or bicolored, bloom from March to Oc ...
elves called 'vanilla' or 'vanilla tree'. They are climbing plants native to Mexico and Central America that belong to the Orchidaceae family and the genus Vanilla. This genus has 117 species, of which only three are exploited to produce vanilla: - Vanilla planifolia species, which is the most w ...
is cultivated as a houseplant. This succulent plant is highly appreciated for its spectacular winter flowering, from October to February. Note: the genus Schlumbergera includes 6 species that all produce pink flowers: • Schlumbergera kautskyi • Schlumbergera opuntioides • Schlumbergera trunc ...
en The cypress, whose botanical name is Laburnum vulgare, is a shrub native to southern Europe. It is the only representative of the Papilionaceae genus that can grow to the size of a tree, between 4 and 8 meters tall, but it is most often found as a shrub with long, spreading branches. Its de ...
row it in a pot in a veranda where its beauty will also be noticed. One of the most beautiful foliage in the natural world Among the plants of the genus Strobilanthes, which includes about 400 species native to tropical and subtropical areas, the species Strobilanthes dyerianus is unquestionably ...
ing plant is no less formidable in trapping insects that come within its reach. Butterworts belong to the Lentibulariaceae family and the Pinguicula genus. This botanical genus includes 75 species of carnivorous plants found in all parts of the world, except for Australia and Oceania. A rosette of ...
ough it is sometimes called the New Zealand tea tree, it should not be confused with the famous tea tree or Melaleuca alternifolia. The Leptospermum genus, which belongs to the large Myrtaceae family, has a primary advantage of its highly decorative flowering. In spring, the shrubs of this genus ar ...
Do not confuse it with the herbaceous cinquefoil. In botany, the genus Potentilla refers to flowering plants of the Rosaceae family. This botanical genus comprises roughly 500 species, almost all native to the northern hemisphere. Although most potentillas are herbaceous perennials, the shrubby po ...
1- Violets belong to the same family as pansies Violets are herbaceous perennials in the same family as pansies, the genus Viola. Different horticultural varieties of Viola odorata are referred to as violet. Many varieties of flowers in this family have been bred by humans, including the famous ...
umbines naturally grow at the edge of forests. You can encounter them in the wild along paths and in ditches. Columbines are perennial plants of the genus Aquilegia and the family Ranunculaceae. Native to Europe, they are known by various picturesque names such as Shepherd's Glove, Granny's Bonnet, ...
nor with vervain or Verbena officinalis. Its name is misleading, especially since there are some 250 different varieties of vervains in the Verbena genus... The lemon verbena I'm going to talk about is also known as Peruvian verbena or fragrant verbena. It is an aromatic plant whose highly scente ...
bol Among the 3 iconic flowers of Malaysia, we must also mention the rafflesia which is the largest flower in the world. One of the species of the genus Rafflesia, the Rafflesia keithii is endemic to Sabah, one of the two East Malaysian states located north of the island of Borneo. So to hope ...
are not native to New Zealand but from southeast China! These deliciously tart-tasting fruits grow on different species of vines in the Actinidia genus such as Actinidia chinensis and Actinidia deliciosa. 2- It was imported into Europe at the end of the 19th century Perhaps you are under the ...
to the large Fabaceae family, summer wisteria or Millettia japonica satsuma should not be confused with Japanese wisteria, the famous wisteria of the genus Wisteria with its opulent purple blooms. Unlike the 'classic' wisteria or Wisteria floribunda, the climbing plant called Millettia japonica d ...
n favor of this variety. This perennial herbaceous plant has semi-evergreen foliage that resembles that of a banana tree (which is a cousin plant of the genus Musa). Its pseudo-trunk or stipe bears a crown of large leaves with a beautiful bluish-green color. To preserve this beautiful tropical-look ...
are fragile and tear easily. Prefer less fragile flowering plants such as saxifrages, yarrow, Buenos Aires verbena, or helianthemums (plants of the Helianthemum genus close to cistus). To prevent your plantings from being flattened by strong winds, also avoid training climbing plants on stakes. Th ...
any case, the small flowers contrast well with the green-gray hue of the foliage. 4- There are many hybrids of it. The helianthemums that make up the genus Helianthemum come in several species and many hybrids. The main species are: • Common helianthemum or nummular helianthemum • Large- ...
1- Which variety to choose? There are nearly 70 different species of the Tradescantia genus. One of the most common indoor plants is Tradescantia zebrina, also known as wandering jew. You can also find Tradescantia fluminensis at garden centers, with light green leaves and purple undersides. These ...