cuttings articles Tag

The hibiscus: a beautiful summer blooming.

ects. A tip for dealing with black aphids is to plant sage alongside the hibiscus. Methods of multiplication Hibiscus can be propagated by seeding or by cuttings in winter. Hibiscus syriacus reproduces very easily by seeding but its cuttings are quite difficult. On the other hand, it is easy to pro ...


Garden: growing kiwai in 5 questions

3 years later. In colder regions, prefer a spring planting. It is also possible to multiply this plant by sowing under cold frame (in spring) or by cuttings by operating as you wish: - semi-woody cuttings in August - woody cuttings from November to January. 3- Where to plant the kiw ...


3 tips to get free green plants

nts If you already have indoor plants that you love at home, the first of the 3 tips for getting free green plants is to multiply them by division or cuttings. Gardeners who have a vegetable garden are familiar with the technique of multiplication by division, which can be applied to aromatic plant ...


The Schlumbergera or Christmas Cactus in 5 Questions

Christmas cactus is a succulent plant easy to propagate, like most succulents. Propagation is done after flowering, by following these steps: - take young terminal cuttings. - dip them in rooting hormone. - plant them in seedling and cutting compost. - place your cuttings in a warm and bright locat ...


The camerisier or edible honeysuckle: an amazing shrub

st. Depending on the cultivar, you will be able to harvest berries from May through August. It is also in summer that you can multiply this shrub by cuttings: you will just have to take cuttings from semi-hardened stems (i.e. half hardwood, half soft part). Berries with multiple virtues The h ...


Millettia japonica satsuma : discover the summer wisteria in 5 questions

4- How to propagate summer wisteria ? To propagate a summer wisteria, the easiest method is to do a cutting in July-August. Take semi-hardened cuttings and place them in pots filled with a mixture of potting soil and sand. Keep your cuttings warm all winter by watering them regularly. You ...


How to prune lavender?

the base, opening in the center, and collapsing under their own weight. How to propagate lavender? You can take advantage of the spring or fall season to take cuttings of lavender, preferably from branches that have not bloomed. If not, cut off the flower and keep only the stems with leaves. 1- Cu ...


The Crown of Thorns plant: cultivation and maintenance

at is why it is necessary to always wear gloves when pruning this plant, whether to limit its growth or for propagation purposes, such as through stem cuttings. Stem cuttings should be done in spring. ...


How to take care of a tradescantia or wandering jew?

opportunity to remove damaged leaves and clean the foliage with non-calcareous water. You can also take advantage of pruning to propagate your plant. To take cuttings, cut stems that have a node. Then, simply place this node in room temperature water or directly transplant it into suitable soil, ma ...


Caryopteris: A Beautiful Flowering Plant in Autumn

his shrub. After each pruning, you can give this plant a little rose fertilizer to stimulate the upcoming bloom. How to propagate a caryopteris through cuttings? All varieties of caryopteris can be propagated by cuttings. Two methods of cutting can be used at two different times of the year: 1- Th ...


The vanilla tree, the plant that produces vanilla

that no water remains in the saucer. In spring and summer, add fertiliser to the water once a month. The vanilla orchid can be propagated by taking cuttings from a piece of stem. It is sensitive to attacks by mealy bugs. Read more The first flowers appear on the vanilla tree after two years. ...


Lemon verbena: an easy-to-grow aromatic plant

ss. This plant requires little maintenance as it is resistant to diseases and pests. You can propagate it by dividing the clump in spring or by stem cuttings in August. Note also that potted plants should be repotted every two years. How to harvest lemon verbena? You can harvest fresh leaves as nee ...


The laburnum: a small tree with a dazzling bloom

and aphids. It is also subject to mildew and powdery mildew in case of excess humidity. You can propagate it by sowing in autumn or by semi-linear cuttings in summer. There are several interesting varieties The cytis family, i.e. the genus Laburnum, has only three species. But all of them ...


Poet's carnation: sowing, cultivation and maintenance

target. If you already have these lovely flowers in your garden, note that you can collect the seeds in the plant's capsules or propagate them by cuttings in summer (July-August). Which land and which exhibition to offer them? Poet's carnation is an easygoing herbaceous plant. Its cultivatio ...


The Persian shield: a plant with purple foliage

n a conservatory or greenhouse, this plant can be attacked by whiteflies or mealy bugs, so keep an eye out! This plant is easily propagated by stem cuttings in water or smothered. Cutting is done in the spring. Of the many species in the genus Strobilanthes, the Persian shield is the most deco ...


Natural gardening : how to use wormwood in the garden ?

gh in its natural state it grows in rocky soil and sunny places. Not only is this plant simple to grow and multiplies easily by clump division and cuttings, but it even tends to be invasive as it reseeds itself. In your vegetable or ornamental garden, it is best to set it aside, as it takes up ...


The butterwort: an amazing carnivorous plant.

e at the slightest injury. This plant can be propagated by sowing on a bed of peat at a temperature of 18°C, by dividing clumps in spring, or by leaf cuttings in winter. Contrary to popular belief, this plant is not toxic. Common butterwort is even considered a medicinal plant because it is possi ...


Plant: Santolina Little Cypress in 8 questions

it in a pot and protect it from frost in winter. Note: to propagate this species, you have several options: • divide a plant in summer • take stem cuttings in autumn • propagate the plant by layering in autumn. 4- What type of soil is suitable for Santolina? Like many Mediterr ...


Garden: 5 good reasons to plant helianthemums.

ey multiply easily. The last of the 5 good reasons to adopt helianthems in the garden is the possibility of easily multiplying them. The best method is to make cuttings in a mix of potting soil and sand. Another significant advantage is that these beautiful flowering plants can be planted all year ...


Rubber plant: an easy-to-maintain green plant.

ecomes large, consider staking or training the stems. It is an easy plant to propagate. The rubber plant is easy to propagate through layering or stem cuttings. Take stems with at least one leaf to propagate in the spring or summer. Caution: when cutting this plant, it secretes a toxic and irritati ...
