calcium articles Tag

Senior Nutrition: Beware of False Good Resolutions!

u to stop consuming dairy products. However, this is a misguided nutritional resolution, especially for seniors. Dairy products are the main source of calcium, a nutrient whose needs increase with age. After the age of 50, avoiding dairy products leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis and fract ...


Fertilizer: how to use wood ash in the garden?

Is wood ash a good fertilizer? Wood ash is a natural mineral fertilizer containing many minerals. It consists of: • 20 to 50% calcium; • 14% silica; • 3 to 9% potassium; • 1 to 4% magnesium; • 0.5 to 2% phosphorus. These elements are beneficial to plants for various reaso ...


Skyr: Superfood or Super Scam?

ing time, this Icelandic specialty also has a significant protein content. Skyr is sometimes touted as a superfood, especially since it also contains calcium, vitamin A, and B vitamins. A 100g serving covers approximately 15% of the daily calcium needs for an adult. Therefore, this food can help pre ...


Vitamin D: Understanding Everything in 5 Questions

ence of sunlight, so dietary intake accounts for less than one-third. 3- What is the purpose of vitamin D? Vitamin D is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines. It therefore plays an essential role in bone mineralization and is necessary to ensure the strength of the s ...


Nutrition: how to make a complete salad?

or salmon... For vegetarians, always add legumes like lentils, chickpeas or kidney beans, or Quinoa or tofu to your raw salads. 4- Think about calcium and essential fatty acids To achieve your goal of eating balanced with a simple salad, you need to add a source of calcium and a little bit o ...


Kidney stones: what diet to adopt?

d do not consume more than 1-2 glasses of wine per day and not every day. What foods should I limit? Most commonly, kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate. For this reason, nephrologists have long recommended that their patients limit calcium-rich foods. However, if your dietary intake ...


Health: understanding osteopenia or bone fragility in 5 questions

festyle have a considerable impact on the rate of bone mass degradation. From a very young age, a balanced diet that ensures an adequate supply of calcium and vitamin D, as well as regular physical activity, can help build up good bone mass. This advice is valid for children and teenagers but als ...


Healthy snacks: what are the best oilseeds for your health?

ealth and should probably be on the top of the podium. Indeed, almonds are rich in fiber, protein, but also in manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium. They contain 2.5 g of fiber and 4.5 g of protein for a 20 g serving. In addition, more than half of the fatty acids in these nuts are mono ...


Emmental de Savoie: 6 things to know about this cheese.

ging process, Savoie IGP Emmental has the lowest salt content of all Emmentals: 0.3 g of salt per 100 g of cheese. This hard cheese is also an excellent source of calcium as it contains 8 times more than milk. It provides 1000 mg of calcium per 100 g. Even more surprising, 100 g of this cheese pro ...


Rosehips: Overview and Health Benefits

rable to consume them fresh if you like their tart taste. Indeed, these berries offer a real concentrate of vitamin C and nutrients! They are rich in calcium and vitamins. Rose hips boast an exceptional nutritional richness. 100 g of the fruit pulp provides: • 257 mg of calcium, which is as mu ...


Sprouted Seeds: Which Seeds to Grow?

s have a fresh, green flavor. They are also particularly rich in proteins, with a content of 20%, in minerals and trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium, as well as in vitamins and antioxidants. To take advantage of this wealth of nutrients, you should keep the ...


High Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know in 5 Questions

ure, hence the importance of eating a balanced and low-salt diet and regularly exercising. Conversely, it is important to ensure sufficient intake of calcium and potassium as these nutrients help regulate blood pressure. 5- How to treat high blood pressure? Monitoring your blood pressure at least on ...


The Carob tree: the tree with small horns

counterpart of cocoa for poor countries, but it does not contain theobromine and caffeine like cocoa. It is rich in oligo-elements, it contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The Berber zayanes use it for its medicinal virtues because it contains fiber. It is ideal for intestinal problems ...


The salak or snake fruit: an unusual exotic fruit

knife. And of course, we don't forget to remove the pit. What are the health benefits? Salak contains not only vitamin C but also protein, fiber, calcium and phosphorus. If you suffer from turista while traveling in Southeast Asia, note that this fruit is reputed for its anti-diarrhea effects ...


15 foods to relieve stress

in areas that manage emotions, including stress. This study was small, so more research is needed to confirm the results. But since yogurt is full of calcium and protein in addition to probiotics, you can't go wrong adding more to your diet. Salmon Stress can spike levels of anxiety hormones, such a ...


Garden: 5 Grandma's recipes that work

and slugs cannot get through. On the other hand, other garden inhabitants such as birds feast on these shells, especially in spring when they need calcium to lay their eggs. That's why you need to be vigilant and regularly rearrange the shell barrier at the foot of your plants. 3- Spray bl ...


Growing cabbage: what are the different varieties?

ng. This is particularly true of broccoli, which is a champion in flavonoids and carotenoids. These unjustly ignored leafy vegetables also contain calcium, vitamin K, vitamin B9 and an interesting proportion of fibre which helps intestinal transit. So, if you don't know how to decorate your ga ...


Pastry: 5 tips to lighten cakes

ices such as almond or hazelnut milk are another interesting alternative to make lighter and more digestible desserts, while retaining an interesting calcium and mineral content. 4- Reduce the proportion of sugar by 30 In traditional recipes, sugar is one of the basic ingredients of the pastry. ...


Balanced meal ideas: a week of easy recipes

starchy foods 3- a source of protein 4- fruits and vegetables 5- a little fat 6- a little sugar for pleasure 7- a dairy product twice a day for calcium Among these ideas for balanced meals, I have most often chosen not to include cheese to give you the opportunity to eat it at the time of d ...


Nutrition: 5 benefits of melon

is difficult to drink plain water. This fruit is even more beneficial during the summer months as it also contains minerals such as potassium and calcium that decrease water retention in the tissues and edema. 2- It is low in calories Contrary to what its taste might suggest, melon is not on ...
