biennial articles Tag

Le Mans Sonore: 5 Things to Know About the International Biennial of Sound

at its name might suggest, Le Mans Sonore is much more than a simple music festival. This event, which was created in 2019, is the only international biennial dedicated to sound. This meeting honors sounds of all kinds and the mysteries of acoustics. For one week, the capital of Sarthe comes alive ...


Garden: which flowers to sow in winter?

Why do sowing in winter? Even if the weather conditions don't seem initially favorable, it is possible to sow biennial flowers in winter. A biennial flower refers to a plant that completes its life cycle over two years. In the first year, it primarily develops roots, stems, leaves, and only a few ...


Le Génie des Jardins : contemporary art in Parisian gardens

the crossroads of art and nature Le Génie de la Bastille, an association that works to disseminate and defend contemporary art, has been organizing a biennial event called Le Génie des Jardins since 2006. As its name suggests, this event is held outdoors in gardens, and more precisely in the ga ...


Vert Azur: the green leisure exhibition in Levens

A great celebration of nature Biennial show organized in the Grand Pré of Levens, in the Alpes-Maritimes, Vert Azur is a vast gathering placed under the sign of green jobs and leisure. This event organized by the Vert Azur association of Levens benefits from the support of many partners. For tw ...


Escale à Sète: a great celebration of maritime traditions

A unique meeting Escale à Sète is a gathering of old riggings unique in the Mediterranean. This biennial event puts the maritime world and its traditions in the spotlight. The arrival of these majestic sailboats serves as a pretext for beautiful strolls and joyful animations, both on the wa ...


New home : how to choose your real estate promoter ?

- The guarantee of perfect completion covers for 12 months all apparent defects or faults recorded in the report of receipt of work. - The biennial warranty covers for 24 months the elements that can be repaired without touching the structure. - The ten-year warranty covers defects t ...
