sunlight articles Tag

Sun in the garden: how to measure the exposure of your garden?

at plants have this somewhat magical feature of making their own energy source through photosynthesis. But for photosynthesis to work, plants need sunlight. It is thanks to the photons of sunlight that they transform water (drawn from the soil by the roots) and carbon dioxide (captured from the a ...


Vitamin D: Understanding Everything in 5 Questions

on, trout, herring), liver, butter, and eggs. However, this vitamin is unique in that it is primarily synthesized by the skin under the influence of sunlight, so dietary intake accounts for less than one-third. 3- What is the purpose of vitamin D? Vitamin D is involved in the absorption of calcium ...


Light Therapy: 5 Tips to Make the Most of Natural Light in Winter

xpose yourself to the ambient brightness. On weekends, try as much as possible to replace the light from your smartphone and screens in general with sunlight by engaging in hobbies that you enjoy, whether it be gardening or forest walks to collect chestnuts, for example… 5- Redesigning one's home ...


Myopia epidemic: 5 prevention tips

family history. 2- Exposure to daylight The current epidemic of myopia is also explained by lack of exposure to natural light. Indeed, natural sunlight acts on our brain and boosts the secretion of serotonin. Now, this neurotransmitter slows down the elongation of the eye and has a preventive ...


The maranta or praying plant: characteristics and maintenance

ike all plants of tropical origin, it likes humidity and warmth. To make it happy in your home, provide it with a draught-free location and direct sunlight. This is because direct sunlight could cause its leaves to stain. This beautiful graphic plant prefers a location with indirect light. ...


3 tips to get free green plants

o that it can grow through photosynthesis. Replant the new plant in potting soil in a not too big pot. Place the pot in a bright room without direct sunlight and keep the substrate moist until the seedling takes root. This method of multiplication works well for sansevieria, maranta, and ZZ plant ( ...


ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia in 5 questions

any exposure. You can install it either in a sunny room or in a room with low light. However, avoid extreme situations such as placing it in direct sunlight or in complete darkness. If you place it in a room with low light, this plant will simply grow at a slower pace, whereas in its natural habi ...


Nutrition: 5 essential vitamins and minerals in winter.

lood cells. Unfortunately, during the winter season, most people are deficient in this vitamin because it is synthesized in the skin when exposed to sunlight. During a time of year when days are shorter and less sunny, it can be useful to take a vitamin D supplement, at a rate of one ampoule per mo ...


Clivia: How to Maintain and Encourage Blooming?

he end of winter, it is important to provide it with sufficient light. It should therefore be placed in the house in a bright spot but without direct sunlight. Direct sunlight leads to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. If the location suits it, it will offer you trumpet-shaped yellow, or ...


Perfume and Sun: Understanding Everything in 5 Questions

oms on your skin, stop wearing perfume immediately and consult a doctor or pharmacist. What is fragrance dermatitis? The combination of fragrance and sunlight can lead to what is known as a fragrance dermatitis or dermatitis. This term refers to a form of photodermatosis, that is, a skin problem due ...


Seasonal Depression: Understanding Light Therapy in 5 Questions

In affected individuals, symptoms appear in October and disappear with the arrival of warmer days. The explanation for the phenomenon is simple: the sunlight diffused by the sun drops from 50,000 lux in summer to 1,500 lux in autumn and only 500 lux in winter (lux being the unit of measurement for ...


The Schlumbergera or Christmas Cactus in 5 Questions

. It can be grown in pots or hanging baskets, where its trailing habit looks most impressive. The schlumbergera prefers a very bright location, but without direct sunlight, and a light, well-drained soil. It is recommended to repot it in a mixture of sand and potting soil, or to place clay pebbles ...


The nutmeg tree: the tree that gives the nutmeg

in the West Indies and Grenada. This tree appreciates a moist and porous soil. It accepts a location near the sea but must be protected from direct sunlight. The fruit is picked when ripe, when the fruit opens and reveals its stone surrounded by its bright red aril. The stone is covered by ...


Heatwave or drought: how to take care of plants?

What are the effects of high temperatures on plants? In summer, our gardens and plants in general are sometimes put to the test. While sunlight is essential for their growth, excessive temperatures can cause plants to suffer and even burn. Gardeners must therefore be extra vigilant to limit the da ...


Garden: 5 Grandma's recipes that work

under certain conditions. Be careful to choose your black soap carefully, which should be pure and liquid. Also be sure to never use it in direct sunlight to avoid burning the plants. The procedure is to dilute 3 tablespoons of black soap in a liter of warm water and let this insecticidal mix ...


Garden: 5 good reasons to plant sunflowers

troduce children to Gardening and introduce them to heliotropism. Indeed, before the flower opens, the plant moves to follow the sun and get maximum sunlight throughout the day. It faces east in the early morning and then gradually pivots to the west until evening. 2- There are many varieties I ...


Christmas tree: 5 tips to keep your tree green

here the Christmas tree is located by a few degrees. Other little common sense tips, avoid installing it : - behind a bay window where direct sunlight could dry it out - in high-traffic areas where the tree may be regularly jostled. 2- Choose the right variety The choice of tree is ...


Christmas: 5 plants to offer for the holidays

great gift idea to start the new year off right! It also has the advantage of being an easy-going houseplant, provided it is not placed in direct sunlight or near a heat source that would make the atmosphere too dry. 4- Pachira for good fortune If you want to wish happiness and prosperity fo ...


Digital Sobriety: how to reduce the environmental impact of your devices?

- removing dust from the ventilation inlets of your computer - Avoiding overheating by making sure you never leave your equipment in direct sunlight, on your lap or on a blanket - do not leave a device on charge overnight - protect the system with a regularly updated antivirus an ...


Summer table decoration: 5 ideas for a cheap decoration

colors (for the tablecloth, plates and napkins for example). You can either opt for pastel shades appreciated for their softness when the natural sunlight is bright, or for stronger shades such as yellow, which will put cheerfulness in your table decoration. A good solution to not go wrong is ...
