sugar-free articles Tag

Oral Hygiene: 5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth

ially true for dairy products high in calcium (particularly hard cheeses), sea fish, dark chocolate, and legumes like broad beans and dry beans. Chew sugar-free gum. When one does not have the opportunity to brush their teeth, sugar-free chewing gums offer a backup solution, and not just because the ...


Health: 5 misconceptions about vitamin C

n prevented sleep because of the formulation of the first effervescent tablets rich in glucose (which, in turn, can be exciting). If you opt for a sugar-free supplement, you won't have to worry about this annoying side effect. 3- Vitamin C is effective against the common cold Vitamin C is als ...


Diet: 5 tips to lose holiday pounds

roportion of sugar by 25% (i.e. 75 g of sugar instead of 100 g) - drink your tea or other infusions without sugar. To give a sweet taste to a sugar-free infusion, you can add a pinch of dried licorice root (if you don't suffer from high blood pressure) or flavor your herbal tea with a teaspo ...


Beauty gummies: the trend decoded in 5 questions.

se in energy. Initially criticized for their composition and sugar content, these products have been modified to meet consumer demands. There are now sugar-free versions with sweeteners and vegan gummies made from vegetable gelatin rather than animal gelatin. The main risk with this new form of su ...


Diet, drinks, exercise: 5 tips to keep a flat stomach.

d prepared dishes such as breaded fish, pizza, or saucy dishes - chewing gum that promotes aerophagia and often contains sweeteners in the case of sugar-free gum It should be noted that certain foods, food additives, and sweeteners contain sugars called Fodmaps known to be difficult to digest. ...


Tap water: 5 tips to improve its taste

flavored drink is often called detox water and there are countless recipes available on the web. Just choose the ingredients you like the most to create your own sugar-free and calorie-free drinks! 5- Make it sparkle We don't always think about it, but the last of the 5 tips to improve the taste of ...


Digestion: 7 Mistakes to Avoid After Meals

en you don't have the opportunity to brush your teeth, you might be tempted to chew gum to maintain fresh breath after eating. However, despite what sugar-free gum advertisements may claim, this is one of the 7 mistakes to avoid after meals! The chewing that gum requires will cause you to swallow a ...
