ambient temperature articles Tag

Why and how to dust off your computer?

re often, about every 6 weeks. Also keep in mind that this cleaning is even more important when it's hot, such as during summer heat waves. When the ambient temperature climbs, the fans need to run well to cool your computer's components. After this dusting, you'll probably notice that the fa ...


How to make homemade kombucha?

this preparation to ferment in a dark, airy place out of direct sunlight for an average of 5 to 8 days. Fermentation time will vary depending on the ambient temperature. Ideally, this drink should be prepared at a temperature between 18 and 25°C. After a few days, the strain will rise to the su ...


Basin plants: understand this watering method in 8 questions

is recommended to soak the plants before transplanting them. For indoor plants, the frequency of basking is once to twice a month depending on the ambient temperature and the quality of the soil. You can do this soaking when you notice that the root ball is dried out. 5- What type of water ...


Garden: how to create a cool oasis?

ded and cool spot where one can relax and refresh during the summer. What are the characteristics of a cool island? A cool island is a zone where the ambient temperature is reduced through various tricks. The elements that allow to create such a cool zone are: • vegetation • the creatio ...


What are the best weather apps?

o subscribe to access certain features. Finally, the Thermomètre réel app (on the App Store) and the Thermomètre intérieur app (on the Play Store) give you the ambient temperature wherever you are. These two very simple apps will be useful if you want to monitor the mercury to avoid excessive s ...


The watering gel to water plants during vacations.

is recommended to water the plant before placing the gel on the soil, as close to the stems as possible. As for the amount of gelled water to prepare, it depends on the ambient temperature, the size of the plant to be watered, and the duration of your vacation. This watering method is effective, p ...
