On March 21, Wear Mismatched Socks!

This morning, did you remember to wear mismatched socks? If you haven't yet, we explain why you should wear mismatched socks on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day.

Who initiated this challenge?

March 21 is the day of the mismatched socks challenge, initiated in 2015 by the Down Syndrome International (DSI) association and relayed for a few years by Trisomie 21 France.

This challenge aims to change the way people look at disability and to raise awareness among the general public for a more inclusive society.

Wearing mismatched socks reminds us that we are all different and that it's okay. It's completely normal.

Why this date?

The mismatched socks challenge is held every year on March 21. In fact, that date is World Down Syndrome Day.

This symbolic gesture is a simple and fun way to value diversity and difference.

Through this little sartorial eccentricity, you too can advocate for the inclusion of people with physical or mental disabilities like Down syndrome.

Note, by the way, that the international theme for World Down Syndrome Day 2022 is 'What does inclusion mean?'

What is the objective of this challenge?

The mismatched socks challenge reminds us in a very concrete and symbolic way that we are all different from each other.

The associations participating in this challenge are working for a more inclusive society, in which difference would be the true normality.

According to the association Trisomie 21 France (link below), 'an inclusive society is one in which people with special needs can live like others.'

In this presidential election year in France, as candidates multiply proposals in their presidential campaign, it is more important than ever for associations to get this message across.

It is not enough for people with disabilities to adapt. It is also up to society to evolve so that everyone can develop, become independent and live their lives as citizens.

How to participate?

To take up the challenge of mismatched socks, it's very simple!

All you have to do is draw out your orphan socks from the closet or mix two pairs with as much whimsy as possible.

Don't be afraid to mix colors and patterns! On this March 21, anything goes!

Once your feet are happily clad in mismatched socks, don't forget to take a picture of them and share that shot on social media with the hashtag #SocksBattle4DS, #LotofSocks or #MismatchedSocks

If you want to do more and have even more fun, you can also learn the choreography of the challenge Dancefortrisomy21 (see video below) :

Put on your best socks and rock out to Kimberose's Back on my feet track!

Some 20 European cities including Paris will participate in a flashmob in partnership with the association Tombée du Nid and the label EUforTrisomy21.