Health and Beauty

Eczema problem: 5 mistakes to avoid

Health and Beauty

When you have an eczema problem, you'll do anything to relieve the itching. But be careful not to do anything! Some home remedies and false ideas could make your skin problem worse. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when you have eczema.


Venous insufficiency: 6 tips to keep your legs light

Health and Beauty

In France, nearly 20 million people, the majority of whom are women, suffer from venous insufficiency. The most common symptom of this poor venous return to the heart is the sensation of heavy legs. Fortunately, a few preventive measures can help you relieve this inconvenience. Here are 6 tips to keep your legs light and avoid complications.


There is such a thing as good stress, and it's good for your mental health

Health and Beauty

Although stress is generally presented as the evil of the century responsible for many health problems, an American study published in August 2022 has just confirmed the existence of good stress and its beneficial effect on mental health. Are you wondering how to distinguish between good and bad stress and how to use pressure to perform better? Here are some answers.


Travelling in Europe: how to request a cross-border prescription?

Health and Beauty

From now on, when you travel within the European Union, you can easily obtain your treatment thanks to the cross-border prescription. We suggest you find out what this prescription is and which doctor to ask for it.


Hemorrhoids: 3 natural solutions to avoid recurrence

Health and Beauty

If you are prone to hemorrhoidal attacks, you know that this generally benign problem causes embarrassing discomfort and pain on a daily basis. These attacks also have the disadvantage of recurring, becoming chronic and worsening over time. If hemorrhoids regularly spoil your life, here are 3 natural solutions to avoid recurrences.


Aromatherapy first aid kit: 5 essential oils to take with you when you travel

Health and Beauty

Have you thought of taking essential oils in your luggage to remedy the little aches and pains of the whole family during the vacations? Although it is an alternative medicine, aromatherapy is very effective to soothe an insect bite, treat digestive problems or relieve a sunburn. Here are 5 essential oils that are essential in a first aid kit when traveling.


Heat wave and mental health: how heat affects your mood

Health and Beauty

If you've been feeling cranky since the heat wave began in France, you're not alone! Heat waves are known to have negative effects on mental health and crime rates. Let's find out how the heat affects your mood.


Air travel: how to travel with his electronic cigarette?

Health and Beauty

Have you booked a vacation abroad? If you are a vapourist, you should take certain precautions before boarding a plane or travelling to certain destinations. Several countries in the world prohibit or limit the use of the vapoteuse. Here is a small practical guide to travel with his electronic cigarette without risking a penalty.


Sunglasses: how to choose them according to your face and much more

Health and Beauty

A must-have during the summer, sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory. Even if they can give you a star look, they must also protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays, pollen and wind. We explain how to choose your sunglasses according to your face and other more functional criteria.


How to perfect your tan during the summer?

Health and Beauty

If you want to have a perfect tan when you get back from vacation, you need to prepare your skin well before you leave. Here are 5 tips to know to perfect your tan during the summer, before, during and after exposure to the sun.

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