Kenya: 3 Good Reasons To Choose This Destination

With its peaks of immaculate whiteness and its large African mammals, Kenya is a prime destination for a journey into nature. We have listed for you three good reasons to go on a safari in this country.

To admire the roof of Africa.

Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point of the African continent, is located in Tanzania but can be easily seen from the Amboseli National Park across the border in Kenya.

The view of this legendary mountain and its eternal snows is the first great reason to choose this destination. What could be better than a safari at the foot of Kilimanjaro to soak up the wonders of Africa?

The famous mountain consists of three volcanoes: Shira, Mawenzi, and Kibo. It is on the latter that Uhuru Peak is found. At an altitude of 5,891.8 meters, this peak is the roof of Africa.

To discover the wildlife in Amboseli National Park.

Kenya is also the ideal destination to admire the savannah in all its glory. At the foot of the snow-capped Kilimanjaro, vast expanses worthy of The Lion King await you.

In Amboseli National Park, gazelles, wildebeests, antelopes, zebras, Maasai giraffes, and hyenas share 400 kmĀ² of vast grassy savannas dotted with water bodies.

Among the famous "big five," only the rhinoceros is missing. Thus, many tourists book a safari in hopes of encountering lions, leopards, buffaloes, and elephants. These are the emblematic animals of this park, which is also a biosphere reserve.

Amboseli National Park is home to nearly 2,000 elephants, divided into about fifty families. In these vast spaces, the pachyderms are free to move, and some males have very impressive tusks. Travelers who have always dreamed of discovering African wildlife will not be disappointed.

To feel like you're in the film Out of Africa.

It was in Kenya, and more specifically in the Masai Mara reserve, that the film Out of Africa was shot, released in 1985. For fans of this great classic of cinema, it is another good reason to choose this destination and follow in the footsteps of the characters played by Meryl Streep and Robert Redford.

The Masai Mara reserve, inhabited by the eponymous tribe, is the natural extension of the Serengeti National Park located in Tanzania. In this reserve where the Masai still graze their herds, one can observe the migration of herbivores like wildebeests, Thomson's gazelles, and zebras twice a year.

To travel in the footsteps of the heroes from Out of Africa, you can also go to the Severin Safari Camp, in Tsavo West Park. In these lodges set in the heart of the national park, it is possible to sleep close to the wildlife and imagine yourself as the heroes of the film.

The illusion is all the more perfect as each room contains a collection of quotes from Karen Blixen's novel, Out of Africa, from which the seven-time Oscar-winning film is adapted. This story is a declaration of love for Africa and, after going on a safari in Kenya, there is no doubt that you too will fall under the spell of this continent!