The 5 Secrets Of A Successful Christmas

Christmas is a favorite holiday for children and raises high expectations from children and adults alike. If Christmas Eve or the meal on December 25th does not always live up to your expectations, you may need to rethink the way you organize the party... We have listed for you the 5 secrets of a successful Christmas

1- For a well-organized party, you have to plan everything

It may seem like a no-brainer, but the Christmas party is too important to improvise at the last minute. If you're used to buying Christmas presents and food on the afternoon of December 24th, it's no wonder you arrive at the party feeling stressed...

The first of the 5 secrets to a successful Christmas is to plan everything in advance:
- the invitations so you know exactly how many guests there will be on the big day and can make a seating plan based on everyone's affinities
- the party menu and the necessary shopping to prepare it
- the decoration of your house (if you are the host) and the purchase of a beautiful Christmas tree
- the purchase of gifts (preferably personalized) or the organization of a secret Santa with a draw.

Without being too rigid so as not to spoil the holiday spirit, it's important to be organized and get started in advance. The more time you have to plan the party, the better chance you have of not forgetting anything and arriving on Christmas Eve tired and in a bad mood.

2- For a cheerful atmosphere, you must participate

Sometimes, even when everything is well planned in advance, the Christmas party does not live up to expectations because the joyful atmosphere that we associate with this celebration is not there.

To inject some cheer into your Christmas Eve party, remember that December 24 is a time of shared joy. If you're the host, plan board games or activities that young and old can take part in together, while waiting for Santa to arrive.

And if you are invited, make the effort to participate :
- in the smooth running of the evening by helping to carve the turkey or clear the table
- in the games offered even if you are bad at mime or drawing
- to the gifts in common for example if a kitty is planned to buy a game console for one of the children.

One of the 5 secrets to a successful Christmas is that everyone participates in the party and puts in their best.

3- To avoid getting angry, you must avoid certain subjects

Have you noticed how quickly family celebrations can get out of hand when certain topics are discussed? One of the 5 secrets to a successful Christmas is to avoid touchy subjects like religion or politics or old family issues.

These are too sensitive topics for many people and it's better to tackle much lighter topics so as not to spoil the party. If a guest goes there, stop him right away with a humorous formula like: 'Santa said it is forbidden to talk about politics on December 24'!

4- To avoid failures, don't get too drunk

During the holiday season, it is normal to have champagne and some good wines that can help to relax the atmosphere. If it can be funny to see an aunt a little bit drunk, you will recognize that it is much less funny to have guests too drunk...

Alcohol abuse can not only make your guests sick but also foster heated debates and arguments at the table.

To avoid slippage, it's best to moderate your own drinking and, if necessary, that of others. One of the 5 secrets to a successful Christmas is to serve alcohol, but in moderation.

5- To avoid exhaustion, you must know how to simplify

As we explained in the first paragraph, Christmas preparations are scheduled in advance. They are also, unfortunately, a great source of stress especially for perfectionists who dream of a perfect Christmas!

If you recognize yourself in this description, beware! You could ruin the party by trying to control everything or by arriving on Christmas Eve completely exhausted. Tell yourself that it is impossible to plan everything. Besides, the party doesn't have to be perfect to be memorable and successful.

The last of the 5 secrets to a successful Christmas is to not plan anything too complicated. This advice applies to food as much as it does to gifts and general Christmas Eve organization. Also note that it is better not to organize everything alone but to divide the tasks and know how to delegate.

If you have to prepare the festive meal, don't set the bar too high and choose recipes that you know or good products from the caterer. Instead of spending the whole evening in front of the stove, you can enjoy the party and your guests. Also remember to relax, it is Christmas after all!