Ecology: Plastic Packaging Will Gradually Disappear From The Fruit And Vegetable Section

In accordance with the provisions of the anti-waste law, some 30 varieties of fruit and vegetables will no longer be sold in cellophane from 2022. We invite you to discover what will change in the fruit and vegetable section of your supermarket in the years to come.

What does the anti-waste law say?

The anti-waste law (law n°2020-105 of February 10, 2020) includes 130 articles that aim to fight against all forms of waste.

This law has also set the goal of transforming our economy into a circular economy.

The measures of this anti-waste law for a circular economy are organized around 5 major axes:
- getting rid of disposable plastic
- producing better
- acting against programmed obsolescence
- fighting against waste and for solidarity-based reuse
- better informing consumers

The ban on plastic overpackaging of fresh fruit and vegetables that we are going to present to you in more detail is of course part of the first axis, the one aiming to end single-use plastic packaging by 2040.

To learn more about the content of the law, we invite you to visit the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (link below).

Which fruits and vegetables are affected?

From January 1, 2022, the measure in the anti-waste law that will come into effect is a ban on plastic packaging around certain fruits and vegetables.

This measure concerns products from conventional agriculture as well as organic agriculture.

In practice, more than 30 varieties of organic and non-organic fruit and vegetables will no longer be able to be sold in cellophane.

These include: bananas, apples, pears, oranges, clementines, mandarins, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, pineapples, plums, melons, mangoes, passion fruit and persimmons.

As for vegetables, the ban concerns: potatoes, normal carrots, leeks, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, cucumbers, round tomatoes, normal onions and turnips, cabbages, cauliflowers, squashes, Jerusalem artichokes, parsnips, radishes and root vegetables.

What about other fruits and vegetables?

The anti-waste law provides time for manufacturers to find alternative solutions for the most difficult to pack fruits and vegetables.

This is why certain fruits and vegetables will not be affected by the cellophane ban until 2026.

This exception concerns in particular lots of more than 1.5 kg as well as 'fruit and vegetables presenting a risk of deterioration when sold in bulk'.

Specifically, the plastic ban has been pushed back to June 2023 for cherry tomatoes, green beans, peaches and apricots.

The deadline has been extended to the end of 2024 for early potatoes and carrots as well as cherries and spinach.

Finally, industry will have until June 30, 2026 to find a satisfactory solution to pack soft fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and currants as well as 'ripe' fruits.

What are the penalties?

Manufacturers who fail to comply with this new legislation may face heavy penalties.

Indeed, the anti-waste law provides for penalties that can go up to €15,000 in fines and a daily penalty of €1,500.