In Brittany, The Castle Of Rocher Portail Becomes The New School Of Wizards

As all Harry Potter fans know, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located in Scotland. But in Brittany, the owner of a castle has realized his dream of founding a New School for Wizards. We'd like to take a look at the magical events that await aspiring wizards and witches at the Portal Rock estate in 2023.

A Breton castle where magic happens

The Rocher Portail estate located in Saint-Brice-en-Coglès in the Ille-et-Vilaine department includes a late Renaissance castle surrounded by listed gardens.

This place furnished with royal tapestries and original furniture has enough to immerse the visitor in a magical atmosphere...

This is even more true since its owner, Manuel Roussel has realized a somewhat crazy dream: that of founding a New School of Wizards in this 17th century Breton castle!

A first try approved by the fans

Manuel Roussel and his wife Madly have owned Le Rocher Portail castle since 2016. This Renaissance-era venue, where magic and witchcraft were commonplace, inspired them to provide fans of the Harry Potter saga with a fairytale experience.

It was in 2022 that they opened the doors of the New Wizarding School in Brittany for the first time. The experience was met with enthusiasm by 13,000 visitors who loved spells and other magical potions.

Based on the success of this first test edition, the owners decided to permanently transform their castle into a wizarding school and offer immersive events throughout the year.

Manuel Roussel explains, 'We continue to invest sustainably in this crazy project to offer a unique experience to the world, to fans of the literary and cinematic saga, but also to all families [...] who are not particularly familiar with the wizarding universe but who wish to discover their heritage in a more exceptional way.'

A year 2023 under the sign of witchcraft

While a Harry Potter exhibition will be held in Paris Porte de Versailles from April 21 to October 1, 2023, the Château du Rocher Portail also promises to make its visitors experience a year 2023 under the sign of magic and witchcraft!

This Breton castle offers much more than just an exhibition. It offers the only immersive experience in Europe where it is possible to come and learn spells and magic tricks in a real castle classified as a historical monument.

In this century-old granite castle, very close to the Mont-Saint-Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the magic lessons become real! Are you ready to join one of the four Houses : Cerfdelune, Fauvedor, Boucfleche or Busarde ?

Program of activities 2023

In 2023, the New School of Witchcraft will write a new page in its history by proposing three events with a renewed staging and decor each time.

The Milendall Competition (July 7-22, 2023) challenges visitors with magic, fortune-telling and mentalism! Children and adults are invited to compete in the castle's gardens and mazes before visiting the school, banquet hall and forbidden forest.

The Treasure Crypt (October 21-November 4, 2023) is another adventure where a mysterious phenomenon drives students to explore the castle's cellars. Teachers and students will have to use all their magical powers and powerful spells to repair the fabulous portal beneath the castle.

Christmas at the New School for Wizards (December 16-31, 2023): During the holiday season, the Breton castle promises to immerse you in an atmosphere more enchanting than ever. Not only will the castle's rooms be fully decorated, but musicians and dancers will come to liven up the most anticipated evening of the year, the Christmas Ball!

To receive your letter of admission to the School and experience unforgettable adventures at Portal Rock, visit the official castle website (link below).

Practical information

Portal Rock, the New School for Wizards
Château Le Rocher Portail
35460 Maen Roch

Phone : 02 99 97 26 83

Please note: the castle is no longer open to individual or group visits outside of New Sorcerer's School events. However, it is possible to rent the castle and its banquet hall for weddings.