Online Or In Person, Enjoy The Benefits Of Dance Classes

Do you know the health benefits of physical activity but are dragging your feet when it comes to going to the gym? Have you thought about trying a couple's dance class? Dance is a physical activity in its own right and allows you to build muscle without even thinking about it! For those who are still not convinced, we have listed some of the many benefits of dance classes and several practical solutions to take advantage of them.

Dancing is really a sport

To prevent many diseases and stay healthy, doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. When you have a sedentary job and don't bike or walk, it can seem difficult to meet that daily quota.

If you are allergic to the gym or to chlorine in swimming pools, you probably feel guilty at the idea of not doing enough physical activity during the week...

But have you considered enrolling in a dance class for a trial session? Generally considered a leisure activity, dance is nevertheless just as effective as fitness or cycling in staying in shape.

The first of the benefits of dance classes is that it allows practitioners to move and let off steam for an hour. Despite its fun side, dancing is a real endurance sport that works the cardio, especially if you choose a swing class in Paris!

As the name suggests, the swing dance family really swings. These dances are practiced to fast rhythms, which gets the heart rate up quickly.

Dancing is good for the brain

Best of all, the benefits of dance classes are not only physical. During these classes, you will of course work your muscles but also your brain! Because they require learning complex steps and choreography, partner dances are a real brain workout.

They develop attention, concentration and memory. They also allow people with a reputation for clumsiness to improve their perception of the body in space, their sense of balance and their coordination.

In short, if you want to build up your brainpower as much as your calves, all you have to do is look for a dance class near you! As a bonus, you'll boost your morale and, if anything, break out of your isolation.

Dancing is a more fun activity than going to the gym, and it also has a relational and social dimension that's great for meeting new people in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

What if you started swinging?

The world of dance intimidates you and you don't know what to choose between ballroom dances such as tango, Latin dances, oriental dances or zumba?

Why not try these very bouncy dances that are swing dances by signing up for a Lindy Hop class? Carried by the vintage trend, swing dance classes are growing all over France.

As a reminder, swing is a way of interpreting jazz music by swinging the beat. This music has a ternary rhythm and a bouncy side found in the dances of the same name.

Swing dances such as boogie-woogie and lindy hop are based on rhythm and improvisation. They appeared in New York and more precisely in Harlem at the end of the 1920s.

The Lindy Hop was originally a street dance: it was invented by the black American community in Harlem in parallel with the rise of jazz and swing music.

Face-to-face or online courses

Energetic, fun and delightfully retro, the Lindy Hop is the perfect dance to move in a good mood. Thanks to a rhythmic music with jazzy accents, you will burn calories and let off steam without even thinking about it. Working out has never seemed so fun!

If our presentation of the various benefits of dance classes has made you want to take the plunge, you should know that you have the option of taking classroom or online. Those looking for swing dance lessons in Paris will find their happiness at Jazzy Feet.

For all those who do not live in the Paris area and are looking for an alternative, it is possible to learn these dances remotely thanks to Jazzy Steps, an online swing dance school. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced dancer, this online course formula allows you to progress thanks to personalized feedback.

The pleasure of dancing and the many benefits associated with this activity are now widely accessible. You too can enjoy it no matter where you live. Online or in person, the important thing is to dance!