Once Upon A Time... These Funny Objects: A New Cartoon On France 4.

Starting February 19, France 4 is airing a new fun and educational series titled Once Upon a Time... These Funny Objects. This animated series, which is part of the famous intergenerational saga "Once Upon a Time…", allows viewers to discover the fascinating history of everyday objects.

An educational animated series.

Attention all 1980s nostalgics and fans of the animated series "Once Upon a Time..." such as "Once Upon a Time... Man", "Once Upon a Time... Space" and "Once Upon a Time... Life"! Starting Monday, February 19, 2024, France 4 will broadcast at 7:20 PM a new educational cartoon titled "Once Upon a Time... These Funny Objects".

As the title of this new series suggests, each episode focuses on an object and its history, whether it's a recent invention or has been around for hundreds of years. The episodes are both fun and educational, aimed at viewers of all ages.

The illustrious Maestro, a well-known character to fans of this animated saga, makes a return. For over 45 years, Maestro, a wise old man with a white beard, has taken viewers on a journey through the history of humanity.

Another character in its own right, the Clock, indicates at the beginning of a scene the era in which it is set. However, it also humorously interjects into the story with witty remarks.

Entertaining anecdotes about objects.

Through the animated series "Once Upon a Time... These Funny Objects," children and their parents will discover a host of delightful anecdotes about the everyday objects that surround us.

Despite its rigorous scientific approach, this family program adopts a decidedly playful tone. Since children learn better when they are having fun, these episodes have been designed to help younger viewers more easily assimilate information.

Did you know that the first toothbrush in history is believed to have been invented in China and made from boar bristles? Or that chocolate bars were sold in pharmacies long before they made it onto supermarket shelves?

Behind the everyday objects we use and think we know hides an exciting history that this educational series allows us to explore. Ordinary items like a spoon or a pair of glasses are the result of ingenuity and thousands of years of evolution.

Episodes to follow daily.

The animated series "Once Upon a Time... These Funny Objects" consists of short, playful, and especially informative episodes. This new program offers a small daily dose of general culture through episodes that are only 7 minutes long.

By tracing the creation of objects and their evolution, and by telling the stories of the different civilizations behind these inventions, this cartoon covers all sciences, from physics to philosophy, including medicine! Each object has a history rich in knowledge and human adventures.

A multitude of inventions and diverse objects are presented, from the soccer ball to the satellite, including the light bulb, toilets, or the trash can! But the themes covered (such as medical inventions, sports, or means of transportation) are also pretexts to discuss the environment or inclusion. This cartoon thus helps to awaken children's curiosity and raise their awareness of humanist and ecological issues.

Don't miss this new show to enjoy with the family! All viewers eager to learn with a smile are invited to tune in at 7:20 PM on France 4, every day except Saturday. Thanks to this program, you will never look at a computer, a ballpoint pen, or a swimsuit the same way again!