Christmas: 5 Plants To Offer For The Holidays

Plants that bloom in winter are great gift ideas for Christmas or even the entire holiday season. If you want to give a plant to your loved ones, here is a selection of 5 plants to give for the holidays.

1- The essential poinsettia

If you are not familiar with the gift recipient's tastes, bet on the poinsettia or Christmas star.

This plant, which was already revered by the Aztecs, has become the unmissable symbol of the holiday season thanks to its beautiful red color.

Strictly speaking, these are not flowers but red or cream colored bracts that bloom during the shortest days of the year.

That's why this plant is so beautiful at Christmas time. It's a classic that's likely to please the gift recipient.

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2- The generous cymbidium orchid

If you want to give a more original plant than the poinsettia or if you want to please an orchid lover, give a cymbidium.

At a time of year when other orchid varieties are resting, the cymbidium generously offers its flowering that lasts for 2 to 3 months.

With its elegant and colourful bloom (in various shades of pink or yellow), this flower from Asia is sure to be a hit.

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3- The lucky alocasia

A green plant in the Araceae family, Alocasia is prized for its decorative foliage, which is sometimes a beautiful solid green or a dark, streaked green.

It also comes in a variety of sizes, so this gift can be adapted to the size of the recipient's home...

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In India, this perennial plant is considered a good luck charm that brings harmony and serenity in the home. So alocasia makes a great gift idea to start the new year off right!

It also has the advantage of being an easy-going houseplant, provided it is not placed in direct sunlight or near a heat source that would make the atmosphere too dry.

4- Pachira for good fortune

If you want to wish happiness and prosperity for the coming year, give a pachira aquatica.

This highly decorative plant, with the trunk usually woven, is traditionally given at housewarming parties in Asia to bring fortune and happiness into the home.

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Chinese tradition even calls for adorning its trunk with gold, Silver or red ribbons to increase its power as a good luck charm.

Do not hesitate to offer it even to people who do not have a green thumb because this plant native to South America requires only one watering per month.

5- Spring bulbs

Finally, if you want to treat yourself to a taste of spring, head to the florist and choose a forced bulb arrangement.

At a time of year when winter sets in and seems endless, forced bulbs of hyacinths, daffodils, or crocuses allow you to bring spring into the house a few months early.

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Cheerful, colorful and sometimes fragrant (in the case of forced hyacinths), these spring bulbs are an ever-appreciative gift.