Health: In Summer, Be Careful With Wet Swimsuits!

Even if vacations are good for the body and mind, some health issues are more common in summer. For example, at the beach, certain bad ideas should be avoided, such as keeping on a wet swimsuit. We will explain why it is better to change after swimming.

Wet swimsuit = bad idea

Keeping your wet swimsuit on is a bad idea for several reasons:
- For women, the moisture disrupts the balance of vaginal flora.
- Additionally, the fabric of the swimsuit absorbs microbes and chemicals present in seawater or pool water, increasing its irritating effect...

Risks to intimate health.

The balance of vaginal flora being fragile, the maceration caused by a wet swimsuit promotes the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

When in close contact with intimate parts, the moist fabric of the swimsuit can lead to:
• irritations
• a yeast infection
• a urinary tract infection

These risks particularly concern immunocompromised individuals, diabetic women, and those who are sensitive to these health issues.

Did you know?
Cystitis or urinary tract infection is more common in summer due to the combined effects of summer heat, dehydration, as well as wet (after swimming or exercising) and tight clothing.

To prevent this very common problem among women, it is important to drink throughout the day, not hold back from using the restroom when needed, and also make it a habit to urinate after every sexual intercourse and fully empty the bladder.

Regarding intimate hygiene, it is advised not to wash too frequently or use harsh products. One intimate wash per day is sufficient, using a soap with a pH level between 4.8 and 6.

The good reflexes at the beach

If you are prone to fungal infections and/or recurrent urinary tract infections, you must be particularly vigilant during your trips to the beach and your summer swims!

The good reflex is to bring a second change of swimsuit to the beach or pool and to change as soon as you get out of the water. If you plan to go home, simply put on dry underwear preferably made of cotton as synthetic fabrics retain moisture.

It is enough to dry off and change after a swim or a sports session to avoid maceration. Taking off your wet swimsuit is a simple gesture. But it will spare you many health problems that can ruin your vacation.

Note: at the beach, sand can also promote intimate irritations. That's why, if you practice naturism, you should not sit directly in the sand but rather remain seated or lying on your towel! For young children who like to play in the sand, wearing a swimsuit is highly recommended.

The symptoms to (re)recognize

If you have kept your wet swimsuit on for too long, you may be experiencing some of the following symptoms.

The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are:
• itching and/or burning in the genital area
• thick, white, odorless discharge.

In this case, you can go to the pharmacy to buy an antifungal cream. But if the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

The symptoms of urinary tract infection are:
• persistent urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty
• burning sensation when urinating
• pain in the lower abdomen
• cloudy urine or even blood in the urine.

In this case, drink plenty of water and immediately consult a doctor to prescribe an antibiotic.