Stop Smoking: 5 Tips For Successfully Weaning Off Tobacco

As a new year is about to begin, quitting smoking is the best resolution you can make for your health. To help you better cope with the challenging period of withdrawal, here are 5 tips for successfully weaning off tobacco.

Feel free to use nicotine substitutes.

Even if your addiction to nicotine is strong, you can succeed in quitting smoking because there are now many substitute products available. Nicotine replacements that deliver nicotine in small doses are a valuable aid to properly wean off tobacco.

They come in various forms, including:
• slow-release patches.
• chewing gums and lozenges for quicker action.
• sprays and inhalers to use when cravings hit.

Besides the range of nicotine substitutes available at pharmacies, you can also turn to an electronic cigarette with nicotine-containing liquid. These products are easy to find on specialized websites such as Ecigplanete.

Replace your cigarettes with an electronic cigarette.

The use of electronic cigarettes is the second of the 5 tips for successful tobacco cessation, especially for those who find it hard to break the smoking habit.

Many tobacco specialists recommend vaping as a transition between traditional smoking and complete cessation. With our current knowledge, vaping is less harmful to health than smoking.

This smoking cessation method has proven effective as people who vape with the goal of quitting smoking also stop vaping within an average of 6 months. Only 10 to 15% of users remain dependent on this form of non-smoked nicotine.

3- Adopt a personal strategy.

To successfully wean yourself off tobacco and avoid relapsing into smoking, it is very important to identify the situations and emotions that trigger your desire to smoke. If you are determined to give yourself every chance of success and to keep your resolutions as an ex-smoker, you must adopt a personal strategy.

Firstly, you need to determine your level of nicotine dependence: this will let you know if you need an electronic cigarette or nicotine replacements during the weaning phase or while reducing your consumption.

You also need to choose between quitting cold turkey or gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked, knowing that both methods are effective.

Finally, you must clarify your motivations for quitting tobacco: these will help you stay strong when managing your cravings to smoke.

Change your habits.

Whether you opt for a complete or gradual cessation, you must be aware that it is necessary to change your habits to properly wean off tobacco.

If you're used to smoking your first cigarette after your morning coffee, you need to establish a new ritual at that time of day. For instance, you might take a shower after your coffee or replace the beverage with tea.

This trick of creating a new ritual can be applied to eliminate all the cigarettes you smoke out of habit.

5- Find other forms of rewards.

The last of the 5 tips for successfully quitting smoking is to celebrate every small victory by rewarding yourself.

By quitting smoking, you will save a significant amount of money that you can spend on other little treats. One of the best strategies to stay motivated is to set aside the money saved each day or each week.

Not only will you become aware of the amounts smoking costs you, but you can use this money to treat yourself. To distract yourself, why not treat yourself to a movie outing, for example?