Dry January: 5 Tips To Go A Month Without Alcohol

The beginning of the year is a time for good resolutions. If you've chosen to participate in the Dry January, which consists of not drinking a drop of alcohol for the entire month of January, you may be having some difficulty meeting this challenge over time. If you feel your motivation is waning, here are 5 tips to keep your month alcohol-free.

1- Remove all bottles from your home

The first of the 5 tips to go alcohol-free for a month and take the 'Dry January' challenge from Britain is simply to get rid of all the alcohol you have in your house.

The best way not to give in to temptation is still to not expose yourself to it! Therefore, it's best to remove the beer cans stored in your refrigerator and the wine bottles stored in your kitchen.

Since Dry January only lasts a month, you don't have to throw everything away. Just take all the alcoholic beverages down to the basement to limit temptations.

2- Switch to non-alcoholic drinks

If you think water is really too sad and tasteless, take heart! It's not the only alternative to alcohol during Dry January. The second of the 5 tips for making it through an alcohol-free month is to find alternative drinks that you like.

Why not take advantage of this month-long detox break to try vegetable juices, smoothies and flavored waters with no added sugar? The most motivated among you can even purchase a blender to prepare delicious homemade smoothies or a juice extractor to reconcile with vegetables!

And if you are looking for more festive non-alcoholic drinks to toast with your friends, you should know that there is now a wide range of non-alcoholic wines and cocktails on the market. So follow the nolo trend and check the labels carefully to buy drinks with 0% alcohol!

3- Air out every day

Another of the 5 tips for making it through a month without alcohol is to air out every day, to take your mind off things, blow off steam, and feel less withdrawal.

From the first week without drinking alcohol, you will feel some benefits such as better quality sleep and more energy. Take advantage of this time to do some sports, preferably outdoors, such as running or cycling.

If you're not very athletic, just take a daily walk after work or during your lunch break. These outdoor outings can actually be an opportunity to meet your friends in alcohol-free places where you won't be tempted by a drink...

4- Download the Try Dry application

If you're worried that your motivation will wane before the end of January, you should know that an app has been created specifically to help participants of Dry January.

This app called Try Dry is free and available in French since 2021. Using this app is another one of the 5 tips to last a month without alcohol.

This app gives you advice in a fun tone, sends you notifications to motivate you and allows you to measure your progress.

5- Reward yourself at regular intervals

The Dry January is a challenge that requires willpower and endurance not to crack over time.

To ensure that your frustration doesn't become too much as January progresses, the last of the 5 tips for lasting a month without alcohol is to find other sources of satisfaction besides alcohol.

Don't wait until the end of January to celebrate your success and reward your efforts! During this challenge, if you manage to stick with it, consider giving yourself small rewards at regular intervals, such as every week.

Since Dry January also saves money, use the money you didn't spend on alcohol to treat yourself to a movie, a shopping spree, a little restaurant, or anything else that makes you happy. You've earned it!