Facial Hair: 5 Methods Of Hair Removal

After menopause, it happens to some women that the peach fuzz on their face thickens or coarse hairs start growing on their chin. If you're looking for the most suitable technique to get rid of these facial hairs, here are 5 hair removal methods to consider taking into account your hairiness and budget.

1- Against the mustache: a cream to apply.

If since menopause you feel like you have a mustache, know that it is better to avoid using tweezers against this unsightly down. The risk with plucking is to make it even more visible!

This hairiness on the upper lip is linked to the hormonal upheaval that menopause represents, you can use a cream based on male anti-hormones, called Vaniqa. Talk to your general practitioner about it because this cream is only available by prescription.

Its instructions for use are very simple: just apply it twice a day for a year, to see this hairiness disappear due to increased testosterone in certain menopausal women. Note, however, that Vaniqa cream is effective on downy hair but not on thicker hairs.

2- Against sparse hair: the tweezers

If you only have a few sparse but visible hairs growing here and there on your face, the simplest and most cost-effective method is to use tweezers.

As long as you are skilled with this tool and not too sensitive, you can easily get rid of a few stray hairs on your chin or cheeks. Tweezers are convenient because you can take them anywhere, and they are environmentally friendly as this method of hair removal requires no chemical products.

You just need good lighting and some time because, with tweezers, you remove the hairs one by one, carefully and patiently. That's why this method is reserved for women who have few hairs on their face.

3- Against light down: discoloration

If your facial hair is limited to a light fuzz on the upper lip or cheeks, you may be able to skip hair removal and opt for bleaching instead.

Although it may be tempting to use wax, a razor, or depilatory cream, these methods are not recommended for the face as they can make the hair stronger and thicker.

To make light and dark fuzz less visible, it is better to bleach it using a bleaching gel or cream. You can do this at home or at the salon, similar to hair coloring (but in the opposite direction!).

Bleaching is the best method for treating light fuzz and fine hairs as laser hair removal does not work in these cases.

Caution: always perform an allergy test before using a bleaching product. Also, make sure to follow the recommended application time, which should not exceed 5 to 10 minutes depending on the product. Read the instructions carefully and follow them correctly.

4- Against dark hair: laser

If you are looking for a radical method against facial hair and have a sufficient budget, you can turn to laser hair removal.

Laser is a very effective permanent hair removal solution, but only on dark hairs. If your hairs are white, gray, blonde, or red, this method will not work as the laser targets the hair pigment.

In women, this technique is used to get rid of hair on the upper lip and cheeks. However, before starting this treatment, you should know that this method requires time and money. On average, you should plan between 6 and 10 sessions per area to be treated.

5- Against all hair: electrolysis hair removal.

If you have facial hair but it is too light for laser hair removal at a specialized institute or dermatologist, there is another solution for permanent hair removal: electrolysis.

The cost of this method is equivalent to that of laser hair removal. However, it has the advantage of being suitable for all types of hair, including white hair on dark skin.

This method, exclusively performed by dermatologists, involves sending an electric current into the hair follicle, destroying it. But don't worry: this technique is not painful and is even said to be less painful than laser treatment.

Note: This method is contraindicated for people with pacemakers and for patients suffering from eczema or folliculitis in the area to be treated.