Social Connection Is Good For Health.

The lockdowns imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have proven that social relationships are essential for emotional balance and, more broadly, for good physical and mental health in humans. We invite you to discover the numerous benefits of social connection for health.

1- Social connections are good for morale.

Scientific studies on this subject have shown that maintaining a social connection is very beneficial for mental health.

At any age, meetings and social relationships of all kinds (professional, friendly, associative) allow:
• reducing chronic stress.
• enhancing self-esteem.
• maintaining a good mood.

The positive impact of social relationships on psychological well-being is even more important as we age. Conversely, relational isolation, which affects 2 million people over the age of 75 in France, is one of the main factors of depression among seniors.

2- Social activities stimulate cognitive abilities.

Another benefit of social connections on health is to maintain cognitive abilities, that is, the proper functioning of the brain. If you want to keep your brain in good shape throughout your life, remember that nothing is worse for your neurons than solitude!

On the other hand, group activities and social interactions help stimulate intellectual abilities through discussions and exchanges with others.

In this regard, group cultural activities such as museum visits, theater outings, or cinema trips are particularly beneficial for nurturing friendship alongside intellect.

3- Social connection is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Even more surprising, scientific studies have proven that cultivating social connections helps reduce blood pressure! By reducing stress levels and pressure on the arteries, social relationships contribute to better cardiovascular health.

This is even more true if you take advantage of your outings with friends to participate in group sports. Regularly engaging in physical activity with others not only allows you to share common interests but also motivates each other to move.

4- Social relationships strengthen the immune system.

Social connection has another surprising effect on health: it helps strengthen the immune system! This positive impact on immunity may seem surprising, but it can be explained by the reduction of chronic stress that overwhelms and weakens the body.

Friendly contacts with other people help reduce stress and cultivate positive emotions. Maintaining good relationships with neighbors, friends, and family members would therefore be a good way to prevent diseases.

5- Social connection increases life expectancy.

Benefiting both mental and physical health, social connection contributes to a better life expectancy. Being surrounded by loved ones and friends is just as important as a balanced diet or regular physical activity when it comes to aging well. Not isolating oneself from the world but maintaining a social life and continuing to interact with others, even after retiring, is often an underestimated secret to longevity.

How to take advantage of all these benefits?

If you want to enjoy the benefits of social connection on your physical and mental health, keep in mind that your social life does not end once you retire.

On the contrary, you can make use of your free time to engage in group activities and make new friends.

Activities that help maintain connections with others and even expand your circle of friends include:
- Group classes at sports clubs.
- Cultural outings in groups.
- Singing in a choir.
- Organized trips and cruises.
- Neighborhood clubs and associations offering various activities such as bridge, board games, reading and book sharing, for example.
- Volunteering in associations that provide educational support or assistance to those in need.

In summary, whether you enjoy theater plays, hiking, or gentle gymnastics classes, the most important thing is to create opportunities to meet people. The chosen activity doesn't matter as long as it allows you to spend time with others.

Building connections with others sometimes takes time and perseverance, but it is likely one of the best ways to feel alive, useful, and fulfilled.